četrtek, 31. december 2009

Ego and negative expirience

Negative expirience is only a contradiction of the ego's opinion.

Infinitive self has no DEFINITION (what we define is ego: my car, my place, my body...). Through meditation we can feel infinitive self.

33 ideas of infinitive self:

1. Infinitive self is God (I am God, universe consciousness, the God force is within, infinity -life-time vision...). Accept the situation that is. Create ur own reality. Afirm.

2. Discipline your mind, change programing of the mind. Ask, how does each situation feel.

3. Courage to go beyond: leting go. Fear is manifestation of ego. Trust (blind trust) is required. Courage to be differnt and to accept the pain or happiness from ego. Do sth that u don't like- to discpline ego: jump in cold water...that will solve ur ego. The Courage to be vunrable.

4. Courage to accept spirit to guide your life (inner guide). When u have to make the decision, try to more and more use your subtle feelings, open your heart and believe. Get use to by pass intelect (at first). Inner feeling is all knowing. Self is eternal, it can't be sick, hurt or anything else... (exercise: spend an evening blind folded at home or 15 minutes in the forest- for at least three hours- train yuorself to feel where things are).Unknown is really interesting.

Discplines of ego: push against ego comfort: do what bothers u (each weak choose sth- to challange ur comfort zone): public speeches...- be mentally in the now.

5. Accept negativity as learning expirience. You are looking at the contradictions of ego.

6.We learn about the world through its belief patterns and go beyond it. Do the things differently. The routines that you are familiar with day to day is a part of your ego authority over you, by doing things differently you begin to challange its authority.

7.All human knowledge is affected by human weakness. U can feel safe even when u don't know. Security is a bad habit- meaning to know...As spiritual being u have to be self sufficiant.
Thank about what u have in life.
When u want sth in your life, u affirm that u don't have it in ur life.
In the eternal tao, there are no ups and downs, good or evil, there is just high energy that sets ppl free and expresses love and there's low energy that restricts, conotrols and manipulates ppl. But it's just energy, no absolutes.
If u put out restrictions, weakness, manipulation and lack u pull negative expirience in your life.

Meditate on self image (see it as evolution). Work on ur weakness or ignore it, focus on ur strength.

8. The masters were supernatural, because others weren't (others were meta-phisychly weak). Power is here.

9. Power comes from discipline. Ego always goes to self indulgence, it gives us identity (but it is weak). U can't control mind without discipline:
-phyisical exercises,
-raising early,
-walking in the forests,
-review the day backwards without identifying with it,
-nutritional discipline
-not critisizing, not judging
-light a candle and stare in the mirror yourself in the throat and let urself go
(easier for ur eyes)
Don't let ur personality win! See abundance of nature.

10. The need to center the mind (if u don't do that it is like having 40 chickens in your trunk...).Being focused on urself. Get into habit of watching, just observe, don't comment- don't react, become observing of life and urself. Train your mind not to react.

Vir: http://odeo.com/episodes/24117857-The-Ego-From-Infinite-Self-By-Stuart-Wilde

še neki

jes and others

Lyrics to Heaven :
I can get to heaven
Walking out in the streets at night
Pushing my soul into the open wind
And in a daze I've been there
In a daze I begin to see the way

I can get to heaven
Lying put in the beach at night
Giving it up under the ocean wind
And in a daze I've been there
In a daze I begin to see the way
To see the way

I can get to heaven
Walking out in the streets at night
Pushing my soul into the open wind
And in a daze I've been there
In a daze I've been there
In a daze I begin to see the way

Hey I've been to

sreda, 30. december 2009

Dash Berlin ...armin..., trance dance

And if you only knew
Just how much the sun needs you
To help him light the skies
You would be surprised
You would be surprised

nedelja, 27. december 2009

Changing core beliefs

1. Smile, because u choose to be such (not because of the effect you want out of it)
2. Life is meaningless (things aren't positive or negative, with freedom to choose you can determin how you will experience life).
3. Reality is the product of your core beliefs (ideas).
4. Paradox is your friend.

Change the state of being

1. accept situation in a grattitude way everything- play
2. don't respond to the echo (the same situation)- reinforce the state of being (differently then before)
3. different response (reflection)
4. the new response will lead to new reality (change the pattern)


Razlika med krivdo in občutkom krivde
Obstaja velika razlika med dejansko krivdo in občutkom krivde. Krivda je popolnoma normalna stvar na svetu, saj ga ni junaka, ki ne bi nikdar grešil v življenju. Motiti se je pač človeško. V osnovi pomeni, da smo naredili nekaj narobe in zato smo krivi. Občutek krivdev nasprotju s splošno razširjenim mnenjem, pa ni reakcija dobrega, moralnega človeka na spoznanje o lastni krivdi. Je bolj iluzija, da se morda lahko odkupimo za svoje grehe. Hkrati verjamemo, da napak ne bomo več delali, če se bomo le počutili dovolj mizerno.

Učinkovitejša reakcija na napako
Kako torej ukrepati ob dejanju, ki se nam zdi napačno, nepošteno ali po nepotrebnem boleče za drugega? Dr. Paul Hauck v knjigi »Depresija« pravi, da si moramo samo priznati, da smo krivi. To, in nič drugega. Na ta način nas naše grozno vedenje ne bo zbegalo, temveč ga bomo lahko zagledali v mirni in objektivni luči. Le tako se lahko nad svojim dejanjem poštemo zamislimo in zmanjšamo možnosti, da ga v prihodnosti ponovimo. Po drugi strani pretirano čutenje krivde oziroma samoobtoževanje lahko vodi do depresije. Kaj drugega preostane osebi, ki se nenehno biča zaradi napak, ki se jim nikakor ne more izogniti? Je presenetljivo, da postane brezvoljna, da preprosto zmanjka energije za boj, vnaprej obsojen na neuspeh? Če bi občutek krivde vodil do zelo moralne osebnosti, bi se vsi lahko poslovili od dejavnega, pozitivnega in predvsem srečnega življenja.

Znebite se občutka krivdeKaj je nujno in kaj odveč
Proti krivdi se ne moremo boriti, ker bomo še vse življenje delali napake. To je dejstvo in splača se nam, da ga čim prej sprejmemo. Steve Biddulph v »Skrivnostih srečnega otroštva« ugotavlja, da so stari pridigarji, ki so imeli zelo radi zgodbe o peklenskih mukah, dobro vedeli, kaj počno, ko so strašili s prižnice: »Grešili ste!« – seveda, saj vsi grešijo! Problem nastane, ko se presojamo glede na storjene napake. Ko lastno vrednost določamo na podlagi negativnih(!) dejanj. Ravno zato je občutek krivde nefunkcionalen. Doživljamo ga namreč tako, da se prepričujemo, kako slabe, ničvredne osebe smo, iz katerih očitno ne bo nikoli nič dobrega. Vendar bolj ko se v to prepričujemo, večkrat se bomo dejansko obnašali v skladu z našim prepričanjem. Rezultat bo, da bomo delali še več napak in še slabše se bomo počutili. Pri tem bi bilo dobro opozoriti, kako pristransko je naše vrednotenje samih sebe, ko veliko močneje upoštevamo napake kot dobra dejanja. Že zaradi majhne napake, kot je na primer nevljuden komentar, se bomo veliko slabše počutili; v primerjavi z vsemi primernimi komentarji, ki jih izrečemo v celem dnevu, pa se zaradi njih ne bomo niti enkrat pohvalili! Priznajmo, da nismo ravno pošteni do samih sebe. In z dodatnim obremenjevanjem v obliki občutka krivde prav gotovo ne bomo popravili krivice.

Zaradi napak nismo slabi ljudje
Treba je znati ločiti med osebo in njenim vedenjem. Medtem ko se krivda nanaša na vedenje, ki je po svoji naravi zmotljivo in bo tako do našega zadnjega dne, se občutek krivde nanaša na osebo. Vedenje lažje spreminjamo, osebe na srečo ne (temu pravimo tudi identiteta in omogoča nam, da se počutimo ena in ista oseba skozi čas z relativno majhnimi spremembami). Oseba ni nikoli slaba, tudi če se grdo, hudobno, pokvarjeno obnaša. »Slaba dejanja imajo zmeraj svoje vzroke; tako zelo utemeljene, da si jih lahko z vso pravico odpuščate,« pravi dr. Hauck. Saj sami vemo, kolikokrat naredimo napako iz čiste nevednosti, ker v tistem trenutku nimamo dovolj informacij, da bi drugače ukrepali. Sem največkrat spadajo zgrešeni vzgojni primeri, ko šele kasneje ugotovimo, da bi bila najverjetneje učinkovitejša drugačna taktika. A starševstva nas nihče ni učil, zato je kakršno koli obsojanje brezpredmetno. Skoraj gotovo pa je bilo dobronamerno, kljub vsem napakam. Lahko so vzroki za napake bolj skriti, ko na primer udarimo otroka, česar si zavestno nikakor ne želimo. Morda smo sami bili tepeni in nismo imeli priložnosti doživeti kaznovanja drugače. To ni izgovor, je pa dovolj dober razlog, da razmislimo o svojem početju. Šele nato ga lahko spremenimo. Obsojanje, žal, ne pušča prostora razmisleku, zato do izboljšanja težko pride.

Znebite se občutka krivdeObčutenje krivde je naučeno
Zmožnost občutiti krivdo seveda ne pride z modrostjo, temveč z vzgojo. Vcepijo nam ga starši v najboljši veri, da bomo bolje vedeli, kaj je prav. To umetno privzgojeno čustvo temelji na izjavah, ki jih otroci vsakodnevno poslušajo. Vcepijo se globoko v osebnost, kar tudi odrasli osebi kasneje onemogoča samozavestno upravljanje s svojim življenjem. Oseba z močnimi občutki krivde se počuti odgovorna (kriva) za skoraj vse, kar je narobe na tem svetu. Le odgovornosti za svoje življenje ne more prevzeti, ker je preveč ‘grešila’, da bi lahko imela pravico misliti kar koli dobrega o sebi. Kaj šele občutiti sebe kot bitje, vredno spoštovanja in ljubezni.

Odpuščamo drugim, zakaj ne bi še sebi?
Odpuščanje je učinkovitejša reakcija na storjeno napako, in ta nas v resnici naredi boljše ljudi – bolj sočutne, razumevajoče, odprte. Tako kot se trudimo odpuščati drugim njihove napake, se naučimo biti strpnejši tudi do sebe.

1. Najprej si priznajmo, kaj smo ušpičili. Brez olepšav, brez omalovaževanja, samo dejstva. Npr. užalil sem osebo, ki jo spoštujem.
2. Razmislimo, zakaj je prišlo do tega – smo že nekaj tednov pod hudim pritiskom, je prišlo do nesporazuma, smo se najprej sami počutili užaljene? Naše vedenje ima vedno svoj izvor, tudi če ga ne vidimo na prvi pogled.
3. Prizadetim se opravičimo, da nam je žal, ker smo ravnali tako, kot smo.
4. Ugotovimo, kaj bi lahko naredili drugače, če bi se znašli v podobni situaciji.

Vzgoja med drugim pomeni učenje otrok sprejemanja odgovornosti za svoja dejanja, ne pa učenje brezhibnega življenja brez napak. Izognite se vzgojnim napakam, ki vodijo k občutenju krivde, pri čemer starši:

Dosežke redko pohvalijo, pa še to samo, če so izjemni. »Navadno« lepo vedenje in dobre ocene so samoumevne. (Pregovor »Dobro blago se samo hvali« vsekakor povzroča več škode kot koristi.)
2. Namesto konstruktivnega pogovora in vzgojnih kazni (ki temeljijo na spoštovanju otroka) napake kaznujejo s poniževanjem otrok. Primer je pošiljanje v oslovski kot, kot da ga tam čaka razsvetljenje. Bolj verjetno starši zmotno upajo, da se bo počutil tako osramočenega, da ne bo nikoli več poreden.
3.Namesto razlag se zatekajo k uporabi nerealnih pripomb ali groženj: »Ko bom umrl, ti bo žal!«
4. Kritike usmerjajo na osebo (»Ti si zoprn, poreden, len, sebičen ...«) namesto na vedenje (»Grdo si se obnašal, ko si udaril sestrico. Za tako pametnega fanta kot si ti, se tako vedenje res ne spodobi.«)
5. Nekateri starši verjamejo, da so vsi otroci v osnovi poredni ter jim je treba to nenehno ponavljati. Ko jih bo dovolj sram, se bodo izboljšali. Takšna miselnost žal predstavlja le bližnjico do kriminalnega ali anksioznega vedenja v odraslosti, daleč stran od občutka samospoštovanja.

Avtorica: Karolina Radovanovič

Vir: http://www.osebnost.si/clanki/preglej.php?id=266#start


Vse, kar se nam v življenju dogaja, je posledica našega izbiranja in odločanja, zavedanje o tem je temelj za srečo in uspešnost v življenju. Izberemo in odločimo se za študij, poklic, avto, hišo, prijatelje, partnerje, hobije, duhovni razvoj ... Vsak dan v vsakem trenutku uporabljamo svobodno voljo, se odločamo in s tem ustvarjamo svojo prihodnost. Tisto, kar se nam dogaja danes, je posledica naših odločitev iz preteklosti. Pogosto si rečemo: »Nisem imel druge izbire,« kar pa ne drži. Mogoče niste imeli izbire v TEM TRENUTKU. Res je, da nas okoliščine včasih prisilijo v določeno početje ali nam omejijo izbiro. Takim okoliščinam rečemo usoda, na vzhodu pa jim pravijo KARMA – nastanejo zaradi naših preteklih odločitev in dejanj, ki so praviloma zunaj našega zavedanja. Vnaprej določene so samo posledice naših dejanj, ne pa sama dejanja, na katera z uporabo intuicije lahko odločilno vplivamo.


Intuiciji pogosto rečemo »notranji glas« in je nekaj, čemur vsi, ki so uspešni in zadovoljni v življenju, zavedno ali nezavedno prisluhnejo. Omogoča hitre in jasne vpoglede za odločanje v pomembnih življenjskih situacijah. Pogosto ljudje menijo, da je intuicija dar izbranih in da obstaja pravilen način za prejemanje sporočil intuicije. Intuicija vsakemu od nas neposredno pošilja sporočila, vendar pogosto nismo pozorni in sporočila ne zaznamo. Vsak od nas ima prevladajoč način sprejemanja intuitivnih informacij. To so lahko:

notranji glas – umirjen, tih notranji glas
čustva – lahko čutite, da je nekaj dobro in prav za vas ali obratno, občutek ni dober
simboli – kot simbolična slika v določenih okoliščinah
telesni občutki – v želodcu čutim, da ni prav
nenadno spoznanje – kar naenkrat veste in razumete.

Na začetku te vaje pomislite na nekaj v svojem življenju, kar vas skrbi prav zdaj. Mogoče je to v zvezi z odnosi, poklicem, zdravjem ali duhovnim razvojem. Oblikujte to v takšno vprašanje, da bo zahtevalo kaj več kot pa samo odgovor da ali ne. Primer za zdravje: »Kakšne korake lahko naredim, da si bom izboljšal/-a zdravje?«
Izberite si čas, ko vas ne bodo motili vsaj pol ure, in prostor, kjer se dobro počutite. Lahko si izberete glasbo, ki vas sprošča in umirja. Sedite, zaprite oči in se za nekaj trenutkov osredotočite na svoj dih. Počasi čutite, kako vaš dih prihaja v vas in odhaja. V svojem umu si naslikajte svoje najljubše mesto, kjer se počutite varno in udobno. To je lahko v naravi, blizu morja, v planinah, pod kakim drevesom v parku, vaši sobi, vseeno je, če je to mesto resnično ali ste si ga ustvarili. Uporabite moč predstave, okrepite barve, poslušajte zvoke okoli sebe in čutite prijetna čustva, ki jih to čudovito mesto spodbuja.
Ustvarili ste si zatočišče v svojem umu, kjer boste vedno dobili intuitivno vodenje. Nekateri si predstavljajo, da jih njihova intuicija obišče v obliki vodiča, drugi prejemajo informacije v obliki besed, predstav, občutkov, telesnih zaznav. Osredotočite se na vprašanje, ki ste si ga oblikovali na začetku, in se ponovno vprašajte. Sedaj počakajte, vzemite si čas in uporabite vse čute. Kaj čutite? Kaj vam vaše telo pove? Kaj slišite? Kaj vidite? Kaj veste zdaj? Prejmite odgovor na kakršen koli način. Ni pravilnega načina, je samo vaš način. Ko ste odgovor prejeli, se počasi vrnite iz zatočišča v normalno zavest tako, da trikrat globoko vdihnete in odprete oči.

Intuicija - kompas za dušoINTUICIJO SPODBUJAMO:
z vsakodnevnim meditiranjem
povezovanjem z naravo
redno vadbo tai chi-ja, joge, druge sprostilne vadbe, itd.
če se znamo ustaviti in si vzeti čas zase, smo v ravnovesju
s pozitivno naravnanostjo
če ji zaupamo.

omejujoča prepričanja in zastareli miselni vzorci
preveč stresno življenje
prevelika uporaba intelekta
nezaupanje, dvomi o svojih sposobnostih
pretirana uporaba računalnika in gledanje televizije
neurejene življenjske razmere

Živeti intuitivno je veliko več, kot biti samo pozorni na sporočila intuicije. To je tudi nenehno iskanje odgovorov na življenjske spremembe, ki od nas zahtevajo, da živimo pogumno, z zaupanjem, toleranco in po svojih načelih, ki naj bi bila hkrati načela harmonije in duhovne poti.

Avtor članka: Igor Gregorc

Vir: http://www.osebnost.si/clanki/preglej.php?id=329#start


About relationship- things to consider: 
Naj ostanem ali grem
1. Prevetrite svoja pričakovanja

Vsi, ki se spopadate s takšnimi dvomi kot naša bralka, se morate slej ko prej vprašati tudi: kaj pričakujete od svojega partnerja? In: ali so bila vaša pričakovanja nerealna že, ko sta prišla skupaj?

Če ste na primer pričakovali, da vas bo drugi brezpogojno ljubil in tako rešil vse vaše težave, to sploh nikoli ni bila ljubezen. Ljubezen je namreč obojestranski proces. Če pa ste si želeli, da bi vas partner pred nečim »odrešil«, je to le znak, da niste sposobni sami zadovoljevati svojih potreb, zato verjetno niste sposobni prepoznati niti potreb svojega partnerja.

2. Ali pred čem bežite?

Namesto da bi takoj stekli v objem komu drugemu ali nečemu novemu, je vitalnega pomena, da razmislite, ali morda pred čem ne bežite. V psihologiji je dobro znano, da ljudje pogosto ne prenesemo nečesa pri svojih partnerjih zato, ker te iste lastnosti ne prenašamo pri sebi. Izprašajte se torej, ali gre pri lastnostih, ki vas tako zelo motijo pri vašem partnerju, le za navadno projekcijo?

Pogosto ljudje tudi krivimo partnerje za svoje lastne vedenjske vzorce. Tako si morda ne morete pomagati, da ne bi nadzorovali stvari, ker globoko v sebi ne prenašate ljudi, ki pasivno živijo svoje življenje. To vas lahko sili v to, da prevladujete v partnerstvu, v katerem, posledično, partner enostavno nima druge izbire, kot da prevzame pasivno vlogo in tako naredi prav to, kar tako »zelo sovražite«. Nato pobegnete v novo partnerstvo in lahko ste prepričani, da boste kmalu spet vse uredili tako, da bo vse nared za novo čustveno bojišče.

3. Se bojite, da boste ostali sami?
Vas misel na to, da bi ostali sami, plaši? Ali v razmerju vztrajate le zato, ker se bojite, da ne boste srečali nikogar drugega? Če je tako, potem je odhod iz razmerja točno to, kar potrebujete! Vprašajte se, ali vaša navezanost temelji na potrebi ali ljubezni? Bolj kot mislite, da potrebujete partnerja, manj moči in samozavesti premorete, zato vam bo toliko težje oditi. Strah pred tem, da nikoli ne bomo našli svojega para, je seveda povsem naraven. Pa vendar je za vašo osebno rast nujno, da končno na svoja ramena prevzamete odgovornost za svojo srečo. Če ne boste spoštovali sami sebe, ne pričakujte, da bodo to storili namesto vas drugi?

4. Kakšno bi bilo življenje brez partnerja?

Bi se počutili osvobojene? Močne? Svobodne, da na novo odkrijete strast in razburjenje z nekom drugim? Morda. Toda h komu bi se zatekli po varnost? Kdo vas bo tolažil, ko boste bolni, ali ko ne bo nikogar drugega v bližini?
Ljudje radi mislijo: »Boje bo, ko bom odšel/odšla.«, ne da bi pomislili na to, da bi znalo biti tudi slabše. Ne le, da ima svoboda svojo ceno, prinaša tudi veliko odgovornosti. Zato morate biti popolnoma prepričani, da razmerje zapuščate zaradi pravih razlogov. Dobro premislite, ali znate zares ceniti to, kar imate, še preden se temu za vedno odrečete.

Naj ostanem ali grem

… »Naj vam bo jasno: »bolni« odnos je kot vsaka bolezen, ki jo lahko odkrijemo. Če postavite napačno diagnozo, začnete zdraviti napačno stvar, spregledate pravo težavo, ker se vam že zdi, da ste na pravi poti.
Pazite, da vas razmišljanje o vzrokih in posledicah težav ne bo speljalo na napačen tir. Če želite rešiti svoj odnos, morate temeljito in natančno določiti, kaj je treba spremeniti. Nato morate uporabiti pravilno strategijo, ki bo omogočila spremembo. Ni nujno, da bi bil ta postopek izjemno zapleten. Ni vam treba biti psiholog, da bi ugotovili, kaj je v vašem odnosu narobe. Pravzaprav je celo bolje, če niste psiholog. Morate pa biti nepopustljivo iskreni glede tega odnosa in svoje vloge v njem. Ne morete se slepiti in ne morete olepševati stvari, ki so se vam zgodile. Če je vaš odnos na popolnoma zgrešeni poti, to priznajte. Če je čustveno izčrpan, ker sta takšna oba s partnerjem, to priznajte. Če ste poročeni, na čustveni ravni pa sta s partnerjem vsak na svojem bregu, to priznajte. Če ta odnos ubija tako vas kot vašo samopodobo in samozavest, to priznajte. Če ste zaradi bolečine že povsem otopeli, priznajte tudi to.«

Phillip C. McGraw , iz knjige Reševanje odnosov


1. Napišite deset vrlin, zaradi katerih ste se v svojega partnerja zaljubili.
2. Naslednji korak je, da pošteno prečrtate tiste, ki so bili le vir vaših želja, v resnici pa jih izbranec nikoli ni posedoval.
3. Zdaj pa je čas, da napišete še spisek vrlin in napak, ki jih ima danes in jih daste na tehtnico.

Presenetljivo veliko boste naredili s temi na videz preprostimi zapiski. Delovali bodo močneje kot v vaši glavi. Tako rekoč priznali jih boste naglas. Morda ne bi bilo napak, če jih napišeta kar oba.

Vir: http://www.osebnost.si/clanki/preglej.php?id=199#start

self-esteem pt2

Vaja: Postopni spodbujevalec samozavesti

Preden začneš z izvajanjem vaje, preberi celotno besedilo.

1. Predstavljaj si, da tvoj nekoliko samozavestnejši dvojnik stoji pred tabo.

2. Sedaj si predstavljaj, da stopiš v tvojega samozavestnejšega dvojnika.
Glej skozi njegove oči, poslušaj skozi njegova ušesa in začuti občutke svojega samozavestnejšega dvojnika. Neposredno pred seboj opaziš, še enega, še nekoliko samozavestnejšega dvojnika, je nekoliko višji, v njegovih očeh je videti nekoliko več samozaupanja in oddaja posebno karizmo.

3. Stopi v svojega samozavestnejšega dvojnika in zaznaj, da je pred teboj še eden dvojnik, ki je še samozavestnejši – ima več strasti, več moči, več energije, več lahkotnosti.

4. Ponavljaj korak tri, stopaj v vedno bolj samozavestnega dvojnika, dokler ne boš popolnoma prežet s samozavestjo. Bodi pozoren na to, kako uporabljaš svoje telo, kako dihaš, na izraz na svojem obrazu in na lesk v svojih očeh.

Življenje lahko uživaš toliko, kot ti dovoljuje tvoja stopnja razvitosti samozavesti. Nizka samozavest je tako kot, da bi se skozi svojo življensko potovanje vozil z zategnjenimi zavorami. Samozavest ti v življenju daje pogum, da sprejmeš izzive in zaživiš polno življenje. Krepi ti zavedanje, da je učenje iz izkušenj pomembnejše kot uspeh.

Nekaj vodil za razvoj samozavesti

1. Sam si ustvarjaš svojo resničnost s svojimi mislimi, občutki in vedenjem.
2. Pravico imaš do kakovostnejšega življenja: zdravja, sreče in uspeha.
3. Najpogostejši razlog, da ljudje zbolijo je, da nekaj v njihovem življenju
ne deluje.
4. Svoje življenje lahko pozitivno spremeniš s tem, ko spremeniš svoja omejujoča prepričanja, ki so vzroki za nizko samopodobo in nesamozavest.
5. Natančno razišči in določi, kaj konkretno pomeni samozavest zate.
6. V življenju ni neuspehov, so samo učne izkušnje, ki te pripeljejo do uspeha.
7. Imaš lahko vse, kar hočeš v življenju, pod pogojem, da si pripravljen vložiti potreben čas, energijo in trud.

S samozavestjo do več sreče in uspeha

Priporočeni viri:
• Samozavest, Barabara De Angelis, Karantanija, 2004
• Psiho-kibernetika, Maxwell Maltz, Založba Amalietti&Amalietti, 1999
• Kako si pridobimo samospoštovanje, Lynda Field, Založba mladinska knjiga,1989
• Družina za naš čas, Virginia Satir, Cankarjeva založba, 1995

Vir: http://www.osebnost.si/clanki/preglej.php?id=94#start


Iz knjige dr. Dorothy Rowe (Beyond Fear)


1. Postavite se v stoječi položaj, noge postavite za širino ramen narazen, stopala vzporedno. Glavo držite sproščeno pokončno, pustite, da napetost iz ramen steče skozi prste na rokah ven. Predstavljajte si, da zlata nit poteka vertikalno skozi vašo hrbtenico in se vzdiguje visoko v nebo, ter da vas podpira pri pokončni drži. Začutite, da ste sproščeni in varni, ker vas drži v pokončnem položaju, ki je naravna drža za samozavest.

2. Spomnite se na čas ali dogodek, ko ste bili popolnoma samozavestni. Vrnite se popolnoma v ta dogodek, kot da se dogaja zdaj, opazujte, kaj ste videli, poslušajte, kaj ste slišali in začutite, kako dobro ste se počutili.

3. Zdaj naredite barve v tem vašem prizoru svetlejše in intenzivnejše, zvoke glasnejše in pustite, da se vaš občutek samozavesti še bolj okrepi.

4. Zaznajte, kdaj bo občutek samozavesti najmočnejši v vašem telesu. Pripišite temu občutku barvo in premikajte to barvo gor po telesu do vrha glave in dol do prstov na nogah. Še bolj osvetlite barvo in ponovite premikanje!

5.Ponovite korake od 2 do 4 vsaj še šestkrat. Živo si predstavljajte ta dogodek, ko ste bili popolnoma samozavestni še bolj natančno in vživeto.

Vir: http://www.osebnost.si/clanki/preglej.php?id=225#start

sobota, 26. december 2009


Withdrawing projections

Within the process of purification, one gains the insight and ability to withdraw projections from others in order to take full responsibility for one's own feelings and consciousness. Along the way, certain basic principles are established relating to one's emotional and relationship life.
It is understood, for example, that each person is responsible for their own consciousness. Although the tendency to focus on external causes for what one feels may still be active, it is increasingly perceived that these are less significant as reasons for our reactions than the underlying tendency to feel and respond in certain ways.
These underlying tendencies toward anger, withdrawal, anxiety, depression, numbness, distractability, restlessness, etc. are not caused by others. They are part of the sub-structure of personality that a soul incarnates with. These features, in turn, create a stream of consciousness that produces feelings and behaviors.
When this stream of feelings is activated in the presence of another, that other is not the 'cause' of the activation but the 'immediate catalyst' for the activation which could also have been initiated by any one of a number of other possible activators. Understanding this is an important part of withdrawing projections.
Purification asks for great honesty with respect to motives. It asks us to understand and accept that when certain emotional energies and states are ready to reach awareness, whether on a short or long term basis, the external event will appear that seems to precipitate these energies into consciousness. The external event did not 'cause' the emotional energies. The emotional energies needing to become conscious brought into being or manifested the external event.
This perspective is often difficult to hold since one is generally not fully aware of the energies in their pre-conscious state. That is, one is not aware of them prior to the event which seemed to cause them. Yet, within our awakening consciousness, we begin to see that all events that surround us have meaning because they bring into focus the internal issues in need of healing and transmutation.
Such a perspective leads to the awareness that we create our own lives. We draw to ourselves those events, persons, and situations which will help heal those places within us in need of healing. We are not acted upon as much as creators. This is the basis for understanding the power of thought and feeling and for understanding the need to withdraw projections.
Taking responsibility for one's own consciousness is often not easy, especially when external events are compelling and arouse strong reactions. Nevertheless, this movement begins the process of actualizing a deeper layer of honesty with ourselves. It promotes healing that will often remain inaccessible while projections are still in the way.

Vir: http://ezinearticles.com/?id=2350663


IF we re-define peace to mean more than the "opposite of war" but "a way of life in which one experiences inner tranquility, harmonious relationships and an interconnectedness with the world then we can see how peace becomes important!

It is time to expand our concept of peace, to re-define peace...

A new definition of Peace

The word peace means so much more than the opposite of war. Peace, to me, is really a state of BEING. It is about honoring and nurturing our spiritual side.
I love the quote by Gandhi when he said, "Peace, to be real, must not be affected by outside circumstances." This is what peace is...It is an inner quietness no matter what is going on externally. It is living from that inner space of joy, harmony and stillness. It is truly living from the inside out! It is living from a place of "response" instead of "reaction." It is living based on "internal" rather than "external."

Here are some more definitions of peace:

"...peace is associated with clarity, and with an inner stillness that often gives rise to playfulness and inspired activity. so while peace does come from nonresistance and acceptance of what is, it is not necessarily a state of passivity: rather it gives rise to choices that are free from automatic resistance..."

"...peace means being at peace with what ever is going on, so that I am aware of my inner reactions and can respond from a place of compassion and understanding...."
"...an inner state in which we are calmly impervious to whatever comes into our awareness of a distressing or inharmonious nature..."

"Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in our heart. That is the real meaning of peace."

"Peace means to me a quite stillness within me... a completeness and a knowingness that everything is as it should be. A stillness so deep that you know that each moment, each hour, each tomorrow is in this stillness waiting to blossom. Within this stillness there is no judgement, hatred, anger only a perfect stillness...a swelling of love..."

Vir: http://www.peacefulearth.com/redefine.php

Razmišljanje: tendeca za biti v stanju peace, je ravno tako vzorec, ki to stanje onemogoča...

petek, 25. december 2009


As Halloween is approaching, people are trying to figure out which costumes to wear and which personalities to adopt in answer to the question, “What are you going to be for Halloween?”

Essentially, we are trying to figure out who we are going to pretend to be. Wouldn’t it be interesting though, to ask ourselves who we are already pretending to be? Are we pretending to be happy when we aren’t really? Are we pretending to be scared, or that we know it all, or that money isn’t an issue, or that it is? Are we pretending to be in love? Are we faking our satisfaction? Are we faking our dissatisfaction for the attention it brings? Maybe a better question than who are you going to pretend to be is ‘who are you when you stop pretending?’

Our authentic soul essence gets so covered up with masks and facades (the ego’s defense mechanisms) that we often totally lose sight of who we really are and what we really want. We adapt to what we think others want, we mold ourselves to try to get love, we play so many manipulative games with people to get our needs met that we completely lose touch with our true divine essence.

When you consider the qualities of someone with high self-esteem, they are very similar to small children: confident, risk-taking, adventurous, authentic, eager to learn, happy, loving, lovable…. Children are closely aligned with their esteemed self because they haven’t yet had life experiences that have separated their egos from their spirits. Small children know their divine essence. All they do is an authentic expression of who they are.

The good news is that these qualities never go away; they just get covered up. Our access to them just gets blocked.

Let me give you a graphic analogy. Imagine that “who you really are” is a glass full of sparkling, clear, pure, bubbly water—refreshing and delightful. Then, your life experiences and the people around you begin pouring dirty, grimy motor oil into your glass. Since oil floats on water, a mucky layer of oil forms on top of your beautiful, pure effervescence. Now when you look at yourself you see the oily muck instead of the clear, refreshing water, and you begin to believe that this mucky layer is who you are. Who you really are is still there, but your access to it is blocked.

Then, because you don’t like the way this oily muck looks or feels, you begin sprinkling glitter on top. You want other people to see the glitter instead of the muck because, hopefully, they won’t hurt you more by pointing out the muck. The glitter is the world of pretention and protection—smiling when you don’t mean it, perfection, superficiality, materialism, faking, anger, control, withdrawal, even substance abuse—there are a myriad masks that we wear.

The pure, bubbly water is covered up by the oil, which is covered up by the glitter. Who you really are (your soul essence) is covered up by who you think you are (your mucky thoughts and thought-generated feelings), which is covered up by who you want everyone else to think you are (the façade you present to the world for self-protection).

The irony here is that we think our glittery ego layer will protect us or make people like us more, and maybe even make us like ourselves more. So we all go around bumping into each other, glitter to glitter or muck to muck (that is, ego to ego). And while the glittery ego layer may sometimes protect us from feeling more pain, it also “protects” us from feeling more love. Our inauthentic connections with others leave us feeling isolated and lonely. In actuality, ego, in both its damaged, mucky form and its bandaged, glittery form, is what blocks our access to self-esteem—to heart, to truth, to connection, to intimacy, to love—every time.

So this Halloween, rather than contemplating new layers that you can add, see if you can peel some layers away. Perhaps you might have a “come as you really are party”…and meet your friends for the first time, as they reveal themselves.

Intellectual Foreplay Question of the Week: The question is not, “is the cup half empty or half full” the question is, “Do you know how to fill it back up?”

Love Tip of the Week: The secret to accessing your divine essence is awareness.

Vir: http://askeveadvice.blogspot.com/search/label/Self-Esteem%20Advice

Spiritual relationship

If You Can't Define What a Spiritual Relationship is. You Can't Have One!
by Hu Dalconzo

Spiritual Relationships are the closest thing to heaven that you can experience on earth.
A spiritual relationship is formed when two (or more) people come together, as equals, for the purpose of spiritual growth. Within a Spiritual Relationship, both parties agree that nothing is more important than their spiritual evolution. Spiritual relationships create a synergy, which enables each partner to spiritually evolve faster than they could alone. This divine energy is what I believe Jesus was referring to when he said, "Where two or more are gathered in my name!"

One of the best ways for you to support your spiritual growth is to be in a relationship with someone who wants to create a "partnership" that is emotionally intimate and spiritually conscious. Spiritual relationships accelerate your Self-mastery growth process because they create a space where it is safe to feel what you are feeling. No matter how long you've been on a spiritual path, sooner or later you must "get off your knees" and apply what you have learned.

SPIRITUAL PARTNERS help each other stay conscious to the fact that they are "in the world, but not of the world." I once heard Ram Dass use a humorous term to describe this, he called it "Nobody Training." Nobody training means to stay consciously aware that the human identities that you use in daily life (father, doctor, teacher etc.) are what you do, not who you are. You are a spiritual being who uses many different human identities (roles) to function on the earth plane. The Itivuttaka Sutta describes nobody training this way, "the one who beholds that which has become, as become passes beyond that becoming and is released from craving for sensation. In that which really is, he understands becoming. Free from longing for birth or death, he finds the true meaning of the end of becoming."

When you fall asleep spiritually by getting caught up in the many dramas of your life, hopefully your spiritual partner will be able to notice and know how to signal you in some way, which helps you to reawaken to the fact that you are "in the world, but not of the world."

RELATIONSHIP MASTERY is not something that happens on a secluded mountaintop; that's renunciation! Mastery happens in the midst of life. It is rising above the petty old world relationship models, not escaping from them. Instead, we need to emotionally elevate them to a higher form of communication. Relationship mastery means to reach beyond your FEAR IDENTITIES, with a committed spiritual partner, to create an environment rich in love, honesty, and trust. This spiritually rich environment creates emotional intimacy, which makes your life feel more like you are in heaven, rather than on earth!

There are many different kinds of relationships: father-son, mother-daughter, daughter-father, son-mother, husband-wife, friends, soul mates, spiritual business partnerships, brother-sister, significant others, and career/work-place relationships. With a willing partner, you can transform each of these relationships into a consciously awakened, spiritually based, loving relationship!

Your HEART CHAKRA1 will keep opening as you consciously develop spiritually awakened, loving relationships. Openness is the foundational core of loving relationships. There is no better way to open your heart chakra than through inter-communications with people who are creating consciously awakened SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIPS.

A SPIRITUALLY CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIP is a covenant based on the highest degree of truth and integrity. You recognize your equality by acknowledging that you are both unique manifestations of the same Spirit. This awareness allows you to see past any negative human identities (roles) that may emerge. Instead, you focus on the Spirit within you. When you are in Spirit, you are ONE with the Universe and therefore you can experience a Namaste2 relationship. You bond with the understanding that you are together because it is appropriate for your souls to grow together. You consciously recognize that you are both in the process of spiritual growth, and that a commitment to be emotionally honest is essential.

EMOTIONAL HONESTY takes courage. This courage is built upon TRUST, which develops as partners learn, through experience, that within the relationship it's emotionally safe to share their feelings. This trust and emotional safety allows you to be EMOTIONALLY INTIMATE.

I first became awakened to the difference between "old world" co-dependent relationships and the "new world" inter-dependent relations after reading Gary Zukav's book, The Seat of the Soul. Gary taught me that SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIPS are much freer then the "old world models," because spiritual relationships allow you to leave behind the stereotypical roles that existed merely for survival. By leaving these roles behind, you align yourself with the Universal Spirit for the evolution of your immortal soul. By making the choice to be in a consciously awakened, spiritual relationship, you are choosing to respond to your partner with compassion and love, instead of doubt and fear.

SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIPS create INTIMACY, which in turn provides a safe space where you can willingly surrender your ego defenses. In such a relationship, you feel free to share your innermost secrets, repressed feelings, and emotions. This creates a sacred space where it feels safe to be emotionally vulnerable. This spiritually secure space allows you to feel safe enough to open up emotionally and share with your partner your innermost thoughts and feelings. In this divine space, you are free to stand emotionally naked, with no mind games or premeditated thoughts, which allow you to communicate the truth of your being.

Spiritual partners DO NOT commit to having "perfect" behavior. What they DO commit to is owning their "imperfect" behavior as quickly as humanly possible.

RELATIONSHIP MASTERY requires you to educate yourself about the ways in which your spiritual partners were emotionally wounded. With this knowledge you can help them heal by avoiding words or deeds that unconsciously trigger feelings that are still very tender. Also, you need to view your spiritual partner as your best counselor rather than your worst critic. This is because your partner will mirror back to you that which you most need in order to heal emotionally. Remember that intimacy creates emotional safety and when people feel safe, their passion comes alive!

Namaste, my soul friends..... Hu Dalconzo

Vir: http://www.holisticlearningcenter.com/relationship.html


sreda, 23. december 2009


Why Do We Dream?

"Dreams work to solve the problems of the dreamer's conscious, waking life, and they work to quicken in the dreamer new potentials which are his to claim."
Edgar Cayce

We all need to dream, even if we don't recall the details. Researchers have discovered that people who are repetitively awakened during dreams experience severe psychological problems. Why? Because the act of dreaming provides an outlet for our psyche. Dreams assist in our psychological strength and self awareness, whether or not we analyze them, and they often guide the directions of our lives, even though we may not consciously recognize their input.

What is important to acknowledge is that a dream is part of our individual attachment to the Divine. Native Americans believe the Great Spirit delivers visions to the dreamer that inspire and guide the soul. One might consider dreams to be a healthy and natural GPS tracking system that Creation has given us to help us reach our fullest potential. Like so many aspects of life, dreams and visions are gifts; we have the choice of declining or accepting these and of determining how we will or if we will utilize them.

When we consciously recognize a dream and interpret the meaning we often develop a more complete understanding of ourselves. Dreams can direct us to our true feelings about any aspect of life, from work to love and anything in between. They can warn us of illness or danger or they can move us in directions we may not have had the courage to explore.

Vir: http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/dreams/article-139

nedelja, 20. december 2009

Leonard Orr- rebirthing breathing

What Is Rebirthing-Breathwork?

by Leonard Orr, Founder of Rebirthing Breathwork For me Rebirthing has two main definitions:
  1. Rebirthing-Breathwork, aka Intuitive Energy Breathing or Conscious Energy Breathing, is the ability to breathe Energy as well as air. It is the art of learning to breathe from the Breath Itself. Rebirthing is perhaps the most valuable self-healing ability that humans can learn. We can not have disease and relaxation in the same space at the same time. Relaxation is the ultimate healer. Every breath induces relaxation. Therefore, breathing is the basic healer. Conscious Energy Breathing is the most natural healing ability of all. This ability involves merging the inhale with the exhale in a gentle relaxed rhythm in an intuitive way that floods the body with Divine Energy.
  2. Rebirthing also means to unravel the birth-death cycle and to incorporate the body and mind into the conscious Life of the Eternal Spirit - to become a conscious expression of the Eternal Spirit. This involves healing the eight biggies of human trauma, which are the birth trauma, the parental disapproval syndrome, specific negatives, the unconscious death urge, karma from past lives, the religion trauma, the school trauma, and senility, etc.
Rebirthing as I teach it is a very important spiritual work involving a series of Conscious Intuitive Energy Breathing cycles that give people more health, happiness, success, and peace of mind. Watching Divine Energy move in our own body and mind is very magical, mystical, and miraculous. I never cease to be amazed by this work because it is the essence of Life Itself. Most people learn Rebirthing - Conscious Breathing in a very high quality way by receiving 10 two hour private sessions from a well trained Rebirther Breathworker.

Vir: http://www.rebirthingbreathwork.com/aboutrb/whatis

Leonard Orr- death urge

Breathing meditation

Virtual fireplace

Danes je ful mrzlo in gledanje tega videa res prav pride...


Suffering seems to be one of those fundamental human experiences that we all have in common, and is perhaps the one we would all gladly give up. We often feel oppressed and frustrated by suffering because we do not understand it. It can pierce the heart of our being and our identity, and shake every assumption we hold about ourselves and the world. It often seems to destroy our will-power and overthrow our commitments, to our dismay.
We fear suffering, and react to it with anger and frustration, because we feel oppressed by it and powerless against it. This is another way of saying that we are the victim of our suffering. We take the victim stance when we assert our powerlessness against something, and then project our power onto the "victimizer," which gets blamed for our situation. We then indulge in feelings of self-righteous indignation, "justifiable" anger, and self-pity. The denial of our own power (and its consequent projection) lies at the root of suffering. We will come back to his point.
Let's look at one example of suffering that many of us experience on our path of personal growth and healing: suffering over lost peace.
Spiritual insights seem to come in waves; that is, when we have a flash of spiritual illumination and understanding (or a "peak experience"), it is always followed, after some time, by a return to our previous "normal" state of mind and spiritual understanding. Our insight will often stay with us in the form of an intellectual understanding or belief, but it may take years for it to really become integrated into our everyday being and our way of relating to the world.
For example, many of us have had the powerful experience of realizing that our lives are guided by a higher purpose than our own, and that every event in our lives is a necessary step in the unfolding of our highest path. When we are actually experiencing the truth of this insight in the moment, it gives us great relief and joy, and allows for a peaceful acceptance that lets us calmly abide in whatever situation we find ourselves. In this space we are conscious of the necessity of every thing that has ever happened, and of the nonexistence of "coincidence;" we have great, loving compassion for ourselves and others, and we are in touch with our desire to "play out our part" in life. In this space we do not suffer.
Unfortunately, we usually "come down" from this experience in short order. With luck, its effects will stay with us for a few hours or days, giving us a chance to reexamine our lives and our assumptions in its light. These can be occasions of powerful and effortless growth and healing. But the peaceful experience always eventually fades, and we find ourselves back in our "normal" state of mind.
Days or weeks later, the experience has faded to a memory, a mere idea, and we can hardly even recall its impact. Struggling to remember and recreate that sense of peace and joy, we find instead the familiar, oppressive "reality" of our doubts and fears, beside which peace seems only a fantasy. It is at this point that we start once again to feel powerless; frustration and anger return, as we feel outrage at the universe or God for having "robbed" us of our peace and joy. Then we experience the suffering of being the victim of this undeserved punishment. We may say, "Now that I have seen that I really, truly want only love and peace, why must I go through all of this garbage all over again?"
Inseparable from our suffering is a belief or an interpretation that we have about it, though we may be unconscious of it. In this example, we suffer because of our sense of powerlessness to create what we want (peace and joy), and the interpretation of our suffering is that WE ARE POWERLESS, and a victim to God (or the universe). In order to transform suffering by understanding it, it is necessary to clearly see what meaning or interpretation you have attached to your suffering. This is because your suffering is, in truth, a RESULT of the interpretation, and NOT the other way around. First, you form a belief based on some experience, and THEN you experience suffering, BECAUSE OF that belief.

Restated, suffering results from believing an untruth. Notice, in our example, that we did not start to suffer until we had given up on creating peace, and decided that we were powerless to do so. That is the point where we start believing the untruth of our victimhood, and simultaneously start suffering. All suffering has victimhood-- the belief in powerlessness-- at its root.
So far we have only looked at the CAUSE of suffering, which is a necessary first step in transforming it. What about the purpose of suffering?
If we allow the idea that all suffering is the result of a false belief in powerlessness, then our suffering is the messenger that reveals to us our areas of disempowerment. Whether or not we then take steps to heal these areas is our choice.
Another way to look at suffering is to see it as the universe's way of showing us what we are attached to. Any attachment is also rooted in a belief in an untruth, and is therefore a cause for suffering.

For example, we may be suffering because we have no life partner at the moment, and we believe that we are lonely and unhappy because we have no partner. In this case, our attachments are to (1) having a partner, and (2) the BELIEF that we cannot be happy without one. The way out of suffering is to release the attachments and untrue beliefs at its root. The fact that we suffer over our attachment is what tells us with certainty that the underlying belief is, in fact, untrue.
The harder work, by far, is this matter of releasing our attachments and untrue beliefs; this is truly a lifetime's (or many lifetimes') work. In the meantime, we may take some comfort in understanding the purpose of suffering not as some form of cosmic punishment, but rather as our higher guidance faithfully showing us all of the areas where we are mired in attachment and resisting growth.
When you think about the incredible number of attachments we have, it is enlightening to realize that we seldom suffer over more than one at a time. Perhaps this is because our higher self knows that we cannot realistically work with more than one attachment or belief at a time, so there would be no point in our suffering over more than one at a time.
It is also helpful to remember that suffering is not something that is thrust upon us like a punishment by the universe; it is what we ourselves have created by choosing to deny truth and believe in untruth, and it is our incentive to reconsider these false beliefs. When we are in the midst of suffering, realizing this may not give us any peace. We need to be careful not to BLAME ourselves for having created our suffering. This would only be the creation of more suffering through the false belief that we DESERVE to suffer, which is a self-supporting vicious circle.
Identifying the false beliefs that underlie our suffering will bring us closer to healing our disempowerment, but it will not always bring us immediate release. In the meantime, we can fruitfully use the experience of suffering to teach our subconscious that our suffering comes from denial and giving away our power. To do this, when you are suffering, you could use an affirmation like,

"This is what it feels like to give my power away.
This is what denial feels like.
This is what blaming feels like.
This is what attachment feels like.
I choose to release my false beliefs and attachments,
and remember my Truth.
I choose to take back all of my misplaced power,
and remember my role as the creator of all my experiences."

Using an affirmation like this will help us stop projecting the CAUSE of our suffering onto God, the universe, or others. This we must do in order to remember that only WE have the power to stop our suffering. First we must come to terms with being the creator of our experience-- without blaming ourselves or others. Then we can focus on how and why we HAVE created our experience and suffering. This leads to understanding, and allows us to release our attachments and false beliefs, and thereby release ourselves from suffering.

Vir: http://www.spiritual.com.au/articles/healing/understanding-suffering.html

odlomki iz članka Intent

"Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man succeed when his thoughts tell him that he is defeated. It operates in spite of the warrior’s indulgence. Intent is what makes him invulnerable. Intent is what sends a shaman through a wall, through space, to infinity." – Carlos Castaneda

Our reality is completely and entirely based upon our intent.
You say, How can that be? I did not create this world, this country or this house. But you do accept the intentions given to you by your parents, your relatives, your school, your community, and your society. We have been taught as babies to accept the realities of others for generations. This is simple psychosociology 101. We are even taught to fear anything but these realities and so life changes at a very slow pace indeed!

“It is a sign of considerable advance when a man begins to be moved by the will, by his own energy self-determined, instead of being moved by desire, i.e. by a response to an external attraction or repulsion” Annie Besant, The Ancient Wisdom.

So how do we bring more good things into our lives?
By intending only good things. Dwell only on good things. Whenever you think a negative thought, immediately replace it with a good intention. Picture abundance in your life. Practice looking for goodness around you. Intent creates your reality-what are you intending for yourself? For others? You know the phrase, “Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it” I guarantee you will get what you really wish for.

First, you must be in touch with your real wishes, not just your fantasies. You real wishes are the ones with emotional buttons on them. The wishes that make you cry or scare you enough to make you cringe, or bring a huge smile across your face just thinking about them. They are buried deep inside and sometimes are really echoes of other people’s intentions for you. If your father intended for you to be a doctor but you didn’t want to do that, you may still walk through your life without a purpose because you accepted your father’s intent for you all along. This is the stuff counseling is made of.

Isn’t it odd that people fear change more that anything else in life? And yet, that is the one thing that is guaranteed with your passage! I invite you all to embrace change. Embrace each new day, each gray hair, each meal, each encounter, and each tiny adventure of every day. Learn to enjoy the most natural thing in life – change. And learn to use it to your advantage.

Vir: http://www.spiritual.com.au/articles/healing/intent-shaman.htm

sobota, 19. december 2009

Consciousness expansion

Sacred sound Alchemy

the Shapeshifter

Quiet invocation- alpha wave

one minute shift

Types of fear (pt2)

... These are all examples of the results of accepting some kind of negative/limiting belief. In that area of life, it seems that fear is unavoidable. "Proofs" of this will be in your mind but what you have forgotten is that the "proofs" were collected after the decision to view yourself or the world in a certain way, usually in childhood; perhaps in a previous life. This can be changed with a redecision. Fear is, in 99 cases out of 100, created by the way you are thinking/believing and has no basis in immediate external reality.
The exception is when you are dealing with something already set in motion by your beliefs or a previous soullevel agreement, or your current focus of consciousness. If so, then you need to remember your power is always in the Now and you can change any experience by changing your state of being (deep breathing and a new focus of attention, for example) which will automatically shift your perception and experience.
This statement applies to ET abduction experiences as it does to anything else. For more information on how to deal positively with repeated ET abductions, see Lyssa Royal's book, Visitors From Within. Be alert also to the increasing literature from people who have managed to move from terror to love in their relationships with ETs. Joy Gilbert's account, It's Time To Remember, is an example.
It is quite possible to see something positively that you had previously interpreted in a negative way.
Each of us has the ability and responsibility to control not the external world but the internal one. That applies to where you place your attention, what you think, what you believe, what you fantasize. This is how you create your personal reality. You cannot control the feelings, thoughts or actions of others, nor do you have that responsibility.
That means that the temptation to manipulate others or control events in your external world is based on fear and a misinterpretation of where your power lies. The changes you want cannot be achieved through such manipulation.
You are not responsible for making others feel good. They will, however, automatically feel lifted if you have taken responsibity for your own good feelings and expressed them. On the other hand, you will not feel good if you intentionally do things which you know will hurt or provoke. And such actions draw similar events to you from others through the law of attraction.
You are always responsible for your intent, loving or not, conscious or unconscious. You are responsible for finding and expressing the happiness which is inherently within you. You cannot place the responsibility for that upon anyone else.
Other people do not have the power to make you feel good or bad, unless you give that power to them. You can choose to respond rather than react as you gradually heal the inner wounds that provide buttons for others to push. Infants, young children and the elderly are vulnerable because they do depend upon you. The power of their beliefs for them and yours for you still operates, though.
As a sovereign expression of divinity, you have access within yourself to unlimited joy, abundance, love, knowledge and creativity. You are never alone. You always have access to loving assistance from your Higher Self or other wise beings in the non-physical realms in addition to your personal resources. In other words, you are responsible for creating happy or unhappy experiences and asking for help when you need it. Remember, humans frequently choose to learn through drama and fear is often frozen excitement!
To summarize
Remember four things.
  1. All of your outer life is a reflection of your inner life. It is only by making an inner change that you will be able to obtain an outer one. Do that before you take action in the outer world.
  2. There is only Now. Your experience of the past and future are created from the present moment. Bring all of your energy focus back into the Now. This is where you have power to heal, to make changes and to create. Is there anything to fear in this moment?
  3. Remember the Oneness. Everyone and everything is part of you and you are a part of them. Send unconditional light, love and acceptance to the landlord, the bill collectors, the angry spouse, the viruses in your body, or whatever appears in your dreams. They are all reflections of portions of your consciousness or they would not be in your life. To learn to dialogue with these elements in your life and to understand their roles better, use the method described in the Dreamwork Dialogue manual by Carly Ayres.
  4. Remember love. The secret of life is in learning to love all of yourself. That means the whole world and then the whole universe. Loving, allowing and accepting your own feelings automatically guides you and changes your relationships and manifestations.
The ultimate secret of freedom from fear is opening the heart to complete surrender to the Higher Self, learning total trust.
The secret of becoming free after feeling fear is moving back into your power, recalling the larger picture, relaxing into higher vibrations, following the guidance from your Higher Self which is always given, and learning to view the situation as your Higher Self might see it.
Hold to the positive vision of potential fulfillment for your life which spirit is giving you no matter what is happening. All will be well in the end.

Vir: http://www.spiritual.com.au/articles/healing/dealing-with-fear-4.html

Types of fear

Fear as a feeling of separation
In essence, fear is cause by a sense of separation from the universal life and loving spirit in which all of physical and non-physical manifestation is One. There are no exceptions to this. Learn to take note when you are feeling separate, whether from other people, nature, God or spirit. To be free of fear, you will need to be willing to allow different beliefs and concepts into your mind. This feeling of separation is a false perception built into third density experience but one you are capable of moving beyond. As earth moves through her ascension process we are all clearing fear from our systems and making room for more light, love and trust. Sometimes the clearing will take the form of physical illness.
Fear of our power, fear of enlightenment
As Marianne Williamson has reminded us in a quote often attributed to Nelson Mandela, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
Fear of lack of love or light
Fear comes when you forget that light is a thousand times more powerful than darkness.
And love is the most powerful force in the universe. If you attempt to solve a problem in an unloving way, either by not loving yourself, or by using unloving communications with another, you will probably feel fear. This is because self-betrayal is involved. If you balk at looking into the dark side of a situation, you will feel fear. This kind of fear disappears when you move straight into the unknown, willing to see and know what is there. The heart of the unknown is light even if you have to go through darkness to find it.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me." (The Twenty-Third Psalm)
Fear caused by giving away your power
Be aware of any area of selfhood in which you have given away your sense of personal power, whether to another person, the other sex, the government, a religion, a philosophy, the ETs, or a credit card company! You are a sovereign entity, responsible for what you create, with access to unlimited love, power and wisdom. At this time on Earth, you are in process of bringing all the parts of yourself home to integrate them. The powerful being you are can live without struggle and effort.
Fear caused by accepting negative or limiting beliefs
Fear can be caused by lack of trust in yourself. It can be caused by seeing others as potential victims (not trusting the divinity within them), fearing loss, forgetting the bigger picture in which all is divine, not setting personal boundaries, and so forth.

...to be continued