(Affirmations from Living With Joy, Spiritual Growth and Creating Money twice, the second time using "I" instead of "you" wherever it made sense to me)
I take action on my inner guidance.
I make decisions easily.
I find winning solutions.
I now experience a new level of clarity, well-being and self-confidence.
I release any feelings of self-pity and blame. I know I can create any reality I want.
I know exactly what to do to create the results I want.
I now take charge of my life.
I am magnetic to love.
I send peaceful, loving thoughts to other people.
Every day I experience more love in my life.
I connect with people through my heart. I radiate love.
I release all negative thoughts and judgments of others.
I sense the souls of others when I am with them.
I see the good in others.
I radiate my soul's light wherever I am. I am a radiant light.
I spread love and goodwill wherever I go.
I like who I am around other people.
I am centered and balanced around other people.
I receive love easily and others give it to me generously.
I am a special, unique person.
I am filled with light.
I accept and love myself unconditionally.
I appreciate myself and acknowledge all the things I am doing well.
I nurture myself, I take care of me.
I believe in myself.
I like what I see in the mirror.
I am wise. I give myself good advice.
I am patient with myself.
I follow my inner guidance.
I nurture my inner child.
I can be calm, balanced, and in my centre whenever I choose.
I am relaxed and at peace with the world and myself.
All of my feelings are a part of myself and I love and accept all of them.
I am a wonderful human being, doing the best I know how.
I find time every day to relax and just "be".
I deserve to be treated with kindness and love, and I am.
I love and accept my emotions.
I allow myself to have a beautiful body.
I love taking care of my body. I deserve to have a beautiful, fit, and healthy body.
I love and accept my body.
I love my clothes. They reflect my inner beauty.
I picture myself with a fit, trim, and healthy body. As I picture it, I create it.
I am a slim person who can eat whatever I want.
I have a lot of physical energy.
I am beautiful within and without.
I now make healthy choices.
I release any negative self-images.
I notice when I have negative thoughts about myself and replace them with positive ones.
I visualize my ideal body daily. As I hold a steady vision, I make it a reality.
I am in top-notch condition, fit and energetic.
I am at my healthiest, most optimum weight.
I release all guilt about the food I eat.
My thoughts about my body determine my shape. I use my creative imagination to think myself perfect.
I, your soul, can strengthen and recharge you. Sit in silence and make a connection to me. All you need do is ask, sit quietly for five minutes or so, and I will send you energy that will strengthen and recharge you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.
All my experiences are opportunities to gain more power, clarity, and vision.
All my feelings are a part of myself and I accept all of them.
All my money is working for me to increase my abundance, joy, and aliveness.
All that I need is within me, waiting to be released.
As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
As I Release The Child Within I Start To Experience True Life.
At every moment I am becoming a more perfect light.
Channeling brings me answers and wise guidance.
Channeling expands my consciousness at every level.
Each thought brings me a new idea, insight, or clarity.
Every connection I have is a healing one for me and for the other person.
Every gift I give serves and empowers other people.
Every time I call upon my guide I establish a deeper and clearer connection.
Everyday I increase the amount of light I can hold and radiate.
Everyone appreciates and supports me for who I am.
Everything comes to me in the perfect timing and in the perfect way.
Everything I create fulfills me.
Everything I do brings me aliveness and growth.
Everything I do contributes to the higher good of myself and others.
Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.
Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I give I receive.
Everything on the earth plane is composed of light and energy. You can work with light and energy to create results on the physical plane.
Feel your love expanding. Contribute to the oneness by offering love to all life.
Good things come to me easily.
I am in a state of inner listening and focused awareness in all I do.
I accept and love myself as I am right now.
I accept and love myself for who I am right now.
I accept myself for who I am.
I accept people for who they are
I acknowledge and appreciate my good qualities.
I align with the Higher Will today to better know and live my higher purpose.
I allow all good things to come to me. I deserve to have a wonderful life.
I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.
I allow people to be any way they want to be. I accept and love others unconditionally.
I allow the wisdom, love, and power of my higher self to become who I am.
I always choose the path of most light.
I always have enough time.
I always have time to exercise.
I always look for ways to make the other person a winner; as I help others win, I win as well.
I am a creative person.
I am a creative, insightful person.
I am a healer through my words, thoughts, and deeds. My relationships support my and the other person's higher purpose.
I am a lucid dreamer.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a source of light and awakening for others.
I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful. I congratulate myself often.
I am a valuable person. My path is important.
I am a world server.
I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.
I am alert to my opportunities.
I am always being guided to the higher solution.
I am an unlimited being. I can create anything I want.
I am awakening spiritually to my full potential.
I am aware of all the energy I am around. I transmit love wherever I go. As I radiate love, I offer others the choice of a higher way to be.
I am aware of my feelings when I am with other people.
I am aware of other people's realities and I stay centered in my own calm, clear energy.
I am aware of the images I send to other people. I send them positive, confident and loving images of who I am.
I am aware of the messages my guide is sending me.
I am aware of what things charge and revitalize me. I attract more of these things into my life.
I am building a bridge of light to my higher self.
I am calm and peaceful.
I am confident and serene.
I am conscious of many realities simultaneously.
I am doing what I love from moment to moment.
I am filled with light.
I am filled with new ideas and I put them into action.
I am flexible and open to new ideas.
I am fluid. My energy flows.
I am fully present in the moment.
I am growing spiritually every day. As I link with my higher self, I become a source of light and love for others.
I am guided by the light of my spirit in all I do.
I am in a state of inner listening and focused awareness in all I do.
I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.
I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity, and abundance.
I am linked with the higher forces of the universe.
I am loved. I am lovable.
I am magnetic to love.
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.
I am now living my higher purpose.
I am open to creating or receiving money in any way that is in alignment with Divine Will.
I am open to receive all the gifts the universe has to give me.
I am open to receive my higher good.
I am open to receive.
I am pain free. My body feels good.
I am pleasing to myself.
I am reaching levels of consciousness beyond anything I imagined possible.
I am strong and capable.
I am taking a quantum leap.
I am tolerant of other people's realities.
I am true to myself in all that I do.
I and my higher self are in charge of my destiny.
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.
I appreciate myself. I give thanks for my wonderful life.
I ask for and receive higher guidance.
I ask for what I want and I am open to receive it in whatever form it comes.
I ask my higher self and soul to show me answers and solutions.
I believe I can become enlightened in this lifetime.
I believe I can grow instantly and I do.
I believe in my unlimited potential.
I believe in myself.
I believe in myself and in my unlimited capacity to create whatever I want.
I believe in myself and my path.
I believe that the universe is friendly.
I bring out the best in people.
I call upon angelic assistance today.
I can have what I want.
I can send and receive telepathically.
I can sense my guide's presence.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
I choose my emotions. I choose to feel calm and good.
I choose my higher path from moment to moment.
I choose my path of most light.
I choose peace.
I choose to live an abundant life.
I congratulate myself often
I connect with people through my heart.
I connect with the earth. I am grounded and centered.
I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness, and self-love.
I create what I want easily and effortlessly.
I create what I want with energy. Good things come to me easily.
I create with light and energy before I take action.
I deserve a positive, nurturing, and harmonious environment.
I dissolve any fear in the light.
I do things that allow me to relax and silence my mind.
I do what I love. I now have my ideal life.
I draw to myself many wonderful opportunities to make a difference in the world.
I easily reach expanded states of consciousness.
I expand my channel to my guide and higher self.
I expect only the best to happen and it does.
I experience continuous opportunity for joy and play in my life.
I Experience Peace And Joy In Life Through My Inner Child.
I feel good, calm, and at peace with myself.
I find the light and good in any situation.
I Flow In The Pureness Of My Heart's Energy.
I flow with the current. I know that everything happens for my higher good.
I flow with the universe.
I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.
I focus on what is good and beautiful in my life. As I do, all that is good increases.
I focus on what is good in people, thus assisting them in achieving it.
I focus steadily on my vision, higher purpose and goals, knowing that as I do I create them.
I follow my heart.
I follow my highest joy.
I follow my inner guidance over other people's advice.
I follow my inner guidance. I hear it clearly.
I follow my life purpose as it unfolds from moment to moment. I choose my highest path each moment.
I forgive myself, knowing that I did the best I knew how at the time.
I give back to others any burdens that are theirs to carry. In thus doing I affirm the power within them to make their lives work.
I give freedom to others. I am free.
I give good things to others and I allow people to give good things to me.
I give myself all that I need.
I give myself permission to be happy.
I give myself permission to have what I want.
I give myself quiet time alone.
I give others the gift of my own life working.
I give thanks often. I appreciate all the beautiful things in my life.
I grow through joy and release the struggle.
I have a beautiful body.
I have a clear connection to my guide.
I have a unique, special contribution to make.
I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.
I have all the answers within me.
I have positive, loving, supportive relationships with all the people in my life.
I have the ability to look inward and find answers.
I have the right to change my mind.
I have the right to choose who I want to be around.
I have vitality and aliveness.
I hear the messages of my soul.
I hear the messages of my soul. My hearing is excellent.
I hold every situation up to the light, knowing that a higher solution always exists.
I honor and use my special skills and abilities.
I honor and value my creativity and ideas.
I honor my aliveness in all I do.
I honor my body with my actions.
I honor my dreams.
I honor my integrity in all that I do.
I interpret my dreams accurately and receive guidance from them.
I know and carry out my life purpose.
I know I can create the reality I want.
I know my life purpose. I am living my life purpose from moment to moment.
I know my thoughts create my reality. I focus on what I want, rather than what I don't want.
I know my value. I honor my worth.
I know myself in new and expansive ways.
I know that everything happens for my higher good.
I know the abundance of my soul.
I know the essence of my life purpose.
I know the essence of what I want and I get it.
I know the higher purpose of my soul for today.
I know the joy of my soul today.
I know the power of my soul.
I know the presence of my soul. It is with me today.
I know the will of my soul.
I know what I came to earth to do, and I am now doing it.
I know what I love to do and I do it.
I know what I want and I get it.
I know what is important in my life and I focus upon it.
I know when to assist people and when not to.
I know when to give and when to receive.
I laugh and play today.
I let my emotions flow through me without attaching thoughts to them.
I lift the veils of illusion. I see clearly.
I link my mind with the Universal Mind often.
I listen to any messages that my emotions are giving me.
I listen to my emotions and receive their messages.
I listen to the messages of my body.
I listen within before taking action.
I live in a limitless world.
I live in a state of love.
I live in alignment with Divine Will.
I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.
I live in the rhythm of my soul.
I look beyond appearances to know what is real.
I love all my thoughts and my feelings.
I love and honor everything I create.
I love and nurture myself.
I love and trust my imagination.
I love my body.
I love my home and the positive energy in my environment is increasing.
I love the process as much as the goal.
I love to exercise. It is so much fun.
I make decisions easily.
I notice when I am out of the flow and get back into it easily.
I now add light to every thought of the future.
I now choose how I want to feel.
I now create my wonderful, ideal life.
I now open to allow and accept good things into my life.
I open my heart and embrace others with the feeling and thought of love.
I operate from the plane of the mind.
I pay attention to how I feel. I honor my feelings.
I picture abundance for myself and others
I put myself in situations where I feel honored, loved, and valued.
I radiate my soul's light wherever I go.
I radiate peace and serenity no matter what is going on around me.
I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness.
I receive answers and guidance from my dreams.
I receive impressions from my soul and higher self.
I receive love easily and others give it to me generously.
I receive my guide's unconditional love for me.
I receive revelations and insights.
I receive revelations. I recognize and honor them when they come into my mind.
I receive telepathic messages from my soul.
I receive wise answers from my guide.
I release all images others hold of me and choose my own self-image.
I release all negative thoughts and judgments of others.
I release all self-pity and blame. They flow out of my body and are replaced with love.
I release any doubts that I am channeling a guide.
I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release itself from me.
I remember my dreams. I am aware of the messages and guidance they contain.
I see everyone around me as growing and expanding.
I see everything through the eyes of my soul.
I see myself as growing and expanding.
I see the beauty in everything around me.
I see through the eyes of my soul. My eyes are perfect.
I select the good and loving energy around me to focus on.
I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love.
I send others thoughts of their increased prosperity.
I send peaceful, loving thoughts to other people.
I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and do.
I smile and laugh often.
I speak highly of other people. I honor them with my words and thoughts.
I speak my truth with love.
I speak of myself using loving, positive, supportive words. I am my own best friend.
I speak positive uplifting words.
I spend quiet reflective time; I hear my inner guidance.
I stay balanced and centered at all times.
I support the success and happiness of everyone I know.
I surrender my personality to the guidance of my soul and higher self.
I surrender to my higher good.
I surround myself with things that reflect my aliveness and energy.
I take action only when the feeling is right to do so.
I take actions that create the greatest results for the energy expended.
I take time to be quiet every day and to listen within.
I take time to be quiet.
I take time to get quiet and connect with my guide daily.
I tell myself often what a good job I am doing.
I thank my body for all the good things it does for me.
I think about my future with optimism and hope.
I think about what is right and working in my life. I focus on the positive.
I think in expanded, unlimited ways.
I think of positive things.
I think of the Solar Light right now. A ray of its light touches my heart with love.
I transcend all limitations. I live in a limitless world.
I transform my life with light.
I treat myself with respect. I am a worthy being.
I trust and follow my inner guidance.
I trust my ever-increasing ability to create abundance.
I trust my future self to take right action. I now live in the present moment.
I trust my inner guidance.
I trust my intuition.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
I trust that the universe is always working for and with me.
I trust the answers that come into my mind. I believe in my ability to get my answers from within.
I trust the impressions I receive when I tune into people.
I trust the insights I receive.
I use all the energy around me to go higher.
I use every experience as an opportunity to grow.
I use my time and energy where it will create the greatest results.
I use my wise will. I follow the path of my heart.
I use the insights I receive to help make my life work in better ways.
I value my time and energy.
Ideas flow through me easily.
It is easy to focus and concentrate.
It is safe to be vulnerable.
Joy And Love Flows Naturally As I Allow Myself To Be Free.
Love Is The Wind Beneath My Sail.
My ability to look at the future with clear vision is increasing.
My ability to observe and pay attention is increasing.
My aura is radiant with angelic light.
My body is fit, healthy, and strong.
My body is my friend.
My bones are strong and support me well.
My cells and atoms are growing more radiant everyday.
My channeling empowers me and others to find our own inner wisdom.
My consciousness is expanding. I am connected with the higher forces of the universe.
My consciousness is expanding everyday.
My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
My emotions are flowing.
My energy is focused and directed toward my goals.
My first chakra is awakening; I am at home on earth.
My glands are filled with my soul's light. They function perfectly.
My guide and I have a higher purpose in working together and I now know what it is.
My heart is open.
My heart works perfectly. The love of my soul circulates perfectly as it flows from my heart through my bloodstream to all of me.
My higher self brings me everything I need at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
My higher vision is clear. I know who I am.
My life is filled with joy. I sound a note of joy throughout the day. My joy helps lift the burdens of others.
My life is full of miracles.
My life is unfolding in perfect order.
My light body is awakening.
My light raises the vibration of everything and everyone around me.
My mind is held steady in the light of my soul.
My mind is open. I love to think new, higher thoughts.
My mind is tuned to the higher planes of reality.
My muscles are firm and toned.
My path and life's work are my highest priorities.
My psychic abilities are expanding every day.
My psychic and telepathic abilities are developing in the perfect way.
My sixth chakra is awakening. I see through the eyes of my soul.
My sixth chakra is awakening. The veils of illusion are lifting.
My skin is clear and radiant with my soul's light.
My spiritual growth is a wonderful journey of discovery and adventure.
My stomach feels good. I am calm, centered, and peaceful.
My third chakra is awakening. I have vitality and aliveness. My emotions are flowing.
My third eye is opening.
My thoughts are illumined by the light of my higher self.
My thoughts are loving and positive.
My thoughts are positive.
My value and worth are increased by everything I do.
My words honor and serve myself and others. They are positive and uplifting.
New light is being born within me.
People like themselves around me.
People value and honor my work.
I picture a stream of light flowing from my heart centre up to my head centre.
The higher will flows through me. I know when to take action and when to surrender.
The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.
The universe is safe, abundant, and friendly.
The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good.
Whatever I do, it is because I want to do it.
With each breath I increase the light in my life.
Come from your power and not your weakness.
Gratitude is healing to the emotions.
How you treat yourself is how others will treat you.
Joy comes from operating with inner-directedness.
Learning to receive is learning to ask for the essence of what you want.
Pay attention to your higher nature and your lower will wither from lack of attention.
Power comes from living in the present moment.
Self-worth is knowing you are choosing your feelings at every moment.
So much love is available.
The degree to which you support yourself will be the degree to which you receive support.
True security exists when all needs can be met by the self.
Trust yourself and believe you can create what you want.
Whatever you give thanks for will increase.
Whatever you pay attention to is what you create.
Write a thank you to the universe.
You can choose to see the world any way you want.
Are you willing to believe in abundance, the inner world, and growing through joy?
Be open to having the new come from anywhere, anyplace, any person.
Be willing to do what your soul directs.
Careful communication brings clarity.
Change those programs that kept you from having what you wanted.
Clarity comes from mental concentration, focusing thoughts and paying attention.
Determine now that you will give freedom to everyone close to you.
Don't take yourself so seriously.
Emotional changes are often required for a quantum leap.
Every single part of you is your friend.
Every situation is a learning experience to teach you to gain more power and love.
Every time you embrace the new you bring in a sense of aliveness.
Everything that happens is meant to move you into your greater self.
Fill your thoughts with what you want and you will have it.
Get clear on your purpose, intent and motivation.
Giving thanks opens doors into the higher levels.
Great love, compassion, guidance are available.
Higher purpose is always something you love.
I am a being of light.
Inner peace comes from within, not without.
Inner peace is a connection to your deeper self.
It is important to develop positive pictures about the nature of power.
It is only an illusion you do not have what you want.
Joy is an inner note you sound.
Life need not be hard.
Life purpose is whatever path you decide, for all is free will.
Love transcends the self.
Loving people is a commitment to holding a high vision of them.
Loving yourself means accepting yourself as you are right now.
Loving yourself means stepping outside of guilt.
One act of love cancels thousands of lower acts.
Only those who feel good about themselves can express humility.
People offer you the opportunity to know your higher self through their love.
Spiritual growth means increasing your awareness of beauty, opening your heart, and experiencing more love and compassion.
Stop being affected by the world and affect it with your peace.
The greatest gift you give others is opening to their love for you.
The images you send out about yourself is how other people see you.
The only limits to freedom are those you place upon yourself.
There is a new you every day.
To be aware of your higher good, enlarge your view of your life.
To create more freedom, look at those areas where you have already created freedom.
To feel secure you need to feel you are enlarging and expanding your world.
To have freedom, be willing to give freedom.
Value yourself and monitor where you put your time.
What you love is what you are here to do.
Will is the ability to direct your energy where you want.
You can choose to think in a higher way more often.
You can release the past by loving it.
You create balance by visualizing balance.
You learn and grow from everything you create.
You live in a limitless world, you can expand beyond anything you know.
You may have been afraid to use your power because of mistaken and negative images of power.
You will have joy only when you settle for nothing less.
Your attitude determines how you experience the world.
Your beliefs about reality create your experience of it.
Your higher self looks over and observes your other parts.
Your higher self will guide you in the right direction.
The spiritual path can be one of immense play and deep inner joy.
Your higher self loves you unconditionally.
There is no limit to the growth and expansion that is possible for you.
Spiritual growth is the process of becoming your higher self.
The power of light is growing stronger every day.
Stop for a moment and call light to yourself.
Sending light can create harmony in your relationships.
Light is a powerful source of healing. If there is any place of discomfort in your body, send it light.
The light you send to others will come back to you multiplied.
The Universal Mind is perfection. It perfectly creates what you think about.
You can create miracles by doing "energy work".
The more expansive your thoughts, the more expansive the reality you create.
Believe in your success. Picture yourself having what you want.
The Universal Mind can create FOR you only what It can create THROUGH you.
There is a higher purpose to your life, a special contribution you came to make.
You can know the Higher Will by listening within.
Messages from your Higher Self are loving and gentle.
You are a co-creator with the Higher Will.
Things happen easily when you flow with the Higher Will.
Spiritual growth comes as a series of revelations.
As you grow spiritually, you will understand your life purpose.
Learn to trust the insights you receive.
It is important to use your insights to make your life work in better ways.
There is a spiritual community of many high beings who work together on the inner planes.
You can work in the inner planes by becoming inner-directed rather than outer-directed.
You can sense energy in crystals and other life-forms such as plants and animals.
You can send and receive telepathic messages through the inner planes.
Your clairvoyant abilities will increase as you become your Higher Self.
Love is the doorway to enlightenment.
Love creates healing.
You strengthen people as you surround them with your loving thoughts.
All negativity is a cry for more love.
You attract things and people of a similar vibration.
Your higher vibration lifts the energy around you.
Love people for who they are, not for who you want them to be.
You can choose peace no matter how others are acting.
All negative emotions show you where you are not aligned with the vision of your Higher Self.
Learn to receive all the good things your Higher Self has to give you.
Say to yourself, "I now allow more good things into my life".
Everything happens for your higher good; the universe works in perfect ways.
Allow people to give to you.
Allow people to be any way they want to be.
You CAN become enlightened in this lifetime.
You can grow with joy rather than struggle.
You can grow instantaneously.
Making your everyday life work is an important part of spiritual growth.
Each shift to a higher consciousness makes the next shift easier.
Your spiritual growth is the greatest contribution you can make to yourself.
You can live in the probable reality where there is a clean environment and humanity is at peace.
You can create any reality you want; there are no limits to what you can have.
You can change your reality by rewriting the past (if you want to be more creative, loved etc. imagine a past where you were).
What you accept as true will create your reality.
The void is a state of transition and change.
Not-knowing can be the doorway to true knowing.
The void gives you many choices and new possibilities.
Living in the void can be stimulating, challenging, and expansive.
Do only those things that create your higher purpose and you will have more time.
Follow your inner guidance to get things done easily and joyfully.
You can change time by being fully present and focused on what you are doing.
You can bring things into your life rapidly by imagining that you already have them.
You are ahead of your time.
Humanity is in the process of making an evolutionary leap.
All teaching is learning. All empowerment of others is self-empowerment.
Empowering people means assisting them in making positive changes in their lives.
It is important to know when to assist people and when not to.
You can talk directly to people's Higher Selves.
One person CAN make an enormous difference.
Let go of your judgments to see beyond illusions.
Illusions come from accepting others' thoughts and beliefs without questioning their value to you.
Integrity is living the truth you know.
All Higher Self communication begins in the heart.
Your words create what you speak about. Learn to speak positively.
As you grow spiritually, your words gain more power to affect people.
Before you speak, ask yourself how what you plan to say will contribute to people's lives.
You can have what you want. Express yourself with precision.
Trust that the universe is working FOR you and WITH you.
Your will is much wiser than you think.
Receive energy from other people's hearts and not their centers of will.
Offer assistance to others only when they ask for it.
The path is easy for those who have no preferences.
Non-attachment is serving people's Higher Selves rather than their personality selves.
You are not responsible for making other people's lives work; they are.
As you give freedom to others you become freer yourself.
To become transparent, make no judgments about others' behaviour.
Sending love transforms the energy around you.
Learn to recognize when you have taken on other people's energies.
You have the ability to feel the way you want at all times.
You don't need to change yourself; you only need to love yourself.
I am the source of my abundance.
I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.
My thoughts are loving and positive.
My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.
I love and trust my imagination.
I am an unlimited being. I can create anything I want.
I picture abundance for myself and others.
My dreams come true.
I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.
I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness.
I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness, and self-love.
Everything I do brings me aliveness and growth.
The process of getting there is the quality of being there.
I know the essence of what I want and I get it.
Everything I create fulfils me.
The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.
My energy is focused and directed toward my goals.
I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity, and abundance.
I create what I want with energy. Good things come to me easily.
I trust and follow my inner guidance.
I spend quiet reflective time; I hear my inner guidance.
I am always in the right place at the right time.
I follow my highest joy.
I honour myself in everything I do.
I always choose the path of most light.
I honour my integrity in all that I do.
I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful.
I congratulate myself often.
I forgive myself, knowing that I did the best I knew how at the time.
I give myself permission to have what I want.
Love getting there as much as being there.
My beliefs create my reality. I believe in my unlimited prosperity.
I choose beliefs that bring me aliveness and growth.
My beliefs create good things for me.
I deserve abundance.
Money flows in my life. I am prosperous.
My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.
I always have more money coming in than going out.
I allow myself to have more than I ever dreamed possible.
The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good.
My debts represent my and others' belief in my future earning ability.
My value and worth are increased by everything I do.
All my experiences are opportunities to gain more power, clarity, and vision.
I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love. ("the feeling of fear is passing through me and I now easily let it go.")
I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others.
I live in an abundant world. All is perfect in my universe.
The universe is safe, abundant, and friendly.
I expect only the best to happen and it does. Ulla's comment: Remember that the "best" isn't always what you think it is. So a thwarted effort may prove to eventually allow a much higher good come to you.
I trust my ever-increasing ability to create abundance.
I accept prosperity and abundance into my life.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
I surrender to my higher good.
I demonstrate love with action every day.
I am linked with the unlimited abundance of the universe.
As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
I have a unique, special contribution to make.
Everything I do adds beauty, harmony, order, and light to the universe.
I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.
Do what you love and money will come.
I honour and use my special skills and abilities.
I find my life's work by looking within rather than without.
I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.
I now have my ideal life.
I know what I love to do and I do it.
I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.
All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.
I am a valuable person. My path is important.
I value my time and energy.
My path and life's work are my highest priorities.
I accept and love myself for who I am right now.
I honour and value my creativity and ideas.
I am a special, unique person.
My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
I give myself permission to be all I can be.
I commit to my path. I choose aliveness and growth.
I follow my heart.
I can have what I want.
I invite and allow good to come into my life.
I flow with the current. I know that everything happens for my higher good.
I am alert to my opportunities and I use them well.
I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release me.
I love and honour everything I create.
I let go easily, trusting that nothing leaves my life unless something better is coming.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.
I create what I want easily and effortlessly.
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.
I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.
I know my value. I honour my worth.
People value and honour my work.
I always give my best.
All the money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied.
All the money I spend and earn brings me joy.
I surround myself with things that reflect my aliveness and energy.
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.
I appreciate myself. I give thanks for my wonderful life.
I am open to receive.
Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I give I receive.
Every gift I give serves and empowers other people.
Everything I give others honours and acknowledges their worth.
I give generously to myself.
I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and do.
The greatest gift you give others is the example of your own life working.
I experience clarity and harmony in all my energy exchanges.
I feel good about all the money I spend.
I am always being guided to the higher solution.
I listen to the wisdom of my heart.
I always look for ways to make the other person a winner; as I help others win,
I win as well.
I have abundance in every area of my life.
My prosperity prospers others.
Everyone's success contributes to my success.
I send others thoughts of their increased prosperity.
My money is a source of good for myself and others.
My savings act as a magnet to draw more money.
I am financially independent and free.
All my money is energy awaiting my command to create good in my life.
All my money is working for me to increase my abundance, joy, and aliveness.
I choose to live an abundant life.
You can learn to recognize the energies you pick up subconsciously.
You are like a radio that can receive many stations. What you receive depends on what you pay attention to.
Your energy centers are opening.
It is important to develop wisdom, release pain, and rise above negativity.
Visualization can transform energy from negative to positive.
In every home are the energies and thoughts of the occupants.
I am constantly being sent signs from the universe about what path to take.
The more I can become aware of energy, the more aware I can become of my inner guidance.
I can sense energy to the degree my heart is open and loving.
My imagination is a powerful energy-sensing tool.
Focusing speeds up time and directs energy.
If I am in a difficult situation, I broadcast love. Love heals and protects me.
I spend time thinking of what I want rather than what I don't want.
Awareness of my body, thoughts, and emotions allows me to discover the effect other people have on me.
Do not make the other person, or yourself, wrong.
I don't make the other person, or myself, wrong.
When I am feeling depreciated, angry, or drained, it is a sign that other people are not open to my energy.
If you want a healing connection, know how much to give, and how much to receive.
Emotions help you create reality.
I listen with a silent mind.
I make a commitment to myself.
Making a commitment to myself means listening to my feelings from moment to moment and acting on what is right for me in present time.
I know when to pay attention to my own needs and when to be selfless.
Do not feel responsible for everyone's happiness. Only they can choose it, you cannot choose it for them.
Give to others what you want to receive-love, support, appreciation, healing, and acknowledgment-and you will get it back.
To dissolve fear, I look directly at it, for what I face dissolves in the light of consciousness.
I love who I am, not who I will be or should be.
I am not at the mercy of hidden drives or unknown programs. I have the ability to look inward and find answers.
As I focus on what is good about people, I enable them to achieve it.
I am aware of the images I create about myself when I speak to others.
You never do anything that is not an attempt to bring more light into your life.
I look at each area of my life and ask "What is my highest vision?"
I see everyone as expanding and growing.
If I ask for guidance, I trust the messages that come into my mind.
Your definition of yourself as a man or woman greatly influences your behaviour.
I pay attention to the pictures I send people. Am I holding them back, or helping them rise higher with my images?
Pictures are easier for people to pick up than words.
I use my imagination to picture my highest healing path, a vision of why I am here.
Compassion is the ability to put myself in the other person's shoes.
I do not have to go through pain and struggle to grow.
I have the greatest power of all, the ability to heal myself.
I have the ability to know my truth.
As I think over what I will say to someone, I hold the image of my deepest truth, and practice loving ways of expressing it.
Honouring my deepest truth is a gift to myself and to the other person.
The ability to make myself right rather than wrong will help me grow faster.
There is no one right way to evolve or pursue my soul's path. It is up to you to choose whatever is best for you.
If any area of my life isn't working, one of my beliefs in that area needs to be changed.
I can assist mankind in achieving peace by evolving my thoughts.
Unconditional love is learning to be the source of love.
Unconditional love transforms fear.
Fear is a place that has not yet discovered love.
You learn to love by putting yourself in situations that challenge you to be loving.
Whatever I give to others is also a gift to myself.
If I have nothing to defend, life becomes easier, for I do not have to pretend to be anything I am not.
Love brings beauty to everything and everyone. Most of all, love brings beauty to me.
As I become filled with light, my power to affect the world around me increases.
Pain is only triggered by another when there is already pain within you.
The more I understand what I am learning from a situation, the more rapidly I can leave it.
Pain is a powerful indicator of growth, and it can be changed with love.
If others express anger with you, or withhold their love in some way, do not let their negativity become part of your response.
If I have trouble forgiving people, I pretend the next time I talk to them is their last day on earth.
Many doorways will open when I follow my intuition.
Acting on my intuition brings my goals to me faster.
I send loving energy into my past.
The best way to open my intuition is to listen to it.
When I operate from intuition things happen easily.
Saying high, loving words over and over raises my mind's vibration.
I talk of the qualities I aspire to as if I already have them.
By evolving myself, I create a doorway for those behind me to come through.
I CAN control my thoughts.
A trained mind creates emotional calm and inner peace by focusing on higher ideals, wisdom, and love.
I can change the energy between myself and anyone by using positive words.
Feeling love changes negative energy.
Feeling love rather than judgment changes negative energy into harmless energy.
Rather than resisting lower thoughts, I place higher ones by their side.
Wisdom is being able to discern which messages to pay attention to.
What is loving to the self is always loving to others.
Wisdom is the ability to know when to act and when not to.
It is important to experience compassion rather than sympathy.
I am aware of the thoughtforms in my community.
I cannot know what I am picking up telepathically until I know my own energy.
I have the ability to know what others are thinking.
I can gain control over the telepathic messages I send and receive.
If you want a deep, intimate relationship with another, first become aware of who you are.
Telepathy is a gift and a responsibility.
When I think of others, they receive energy from me.
It is energizing and fun to change my thinking habits and experience new, higher thoughts.
There are ways to stop thinking of a person.
If I want something from somebody, I picture a time when I gave that same thing to someone else.
I can calm my emotions by saying inspiring, loving words over and over.
True healing involves compassion and love for both yourself and others.
To receive guidance, I ask for it and then listen.
The mind has 40,000 to 50,000 thoughts a day. When 1,000 to 2,000 of these daily thoughts are directed to a goal, it will come rapidly.
If I look upward and focus on higher realms, I will receive any help or information I need.
Writing down my goals brings them to me faster.
If I want to bring in guidance, I sit quietly.
It is up to me to create the specific form my work will take.
I come from my power and not my weakness.
Gratitude is healing to the emotions.
How I treat myself is how others will treat me.
Joy comes from operating with inner-directedness.
Learning to receive is learning to ask for the essence of what I want.
I pay attention to my higher nature so my lower will wither from lack of attention.
Power comes from living in the present moment.
Self-worth is knowing I am choosing my feelings at every moment.
So much love is available.
The degree to which I support myself will be the degree to which I receive support.
True security exists when all needs can be met by the self.
I trust myself and believe I can create what I want.
Whatever I give thanks for will increase.
Whatever I pay attention to is what I create.
Write a thank you to the universe.
I can choose to see the world any way I want.
Am I willing to believe in abundance, the inner world, and growing through joy?
I am open to having the new come from anywhere, anyplace, any person.
I am willing to do what my soul directs.
Careful communication brings clarity.
I change those programs that kept me from having what I wanted.
Clarity comes from mental concentration, focusing thoughts and paying attention.
I determine now that I will give freedom to everyone close to me.
I don't take myself so seriously.
Emotional changes are often required for a quantum leap.
Every single part of me is my friend.
Every situation is a learning experience to teach me to gain more power and love.
Every time I embrace the new I bring in a sense of aliveness.
Everything that happens is meant to move me into my greater self.
I fill my thoughts with what I want.
I get clear on my purpose, intent and motivation.
Giving thanks opens doors into the higher levels.
Great love, compassion, and guidance are available.
Higher purpose is always something I love.
I am a being of light.
Inner peace comes from within, not without.
Inner peace is a connection to my deeper self.
It is important to develop positive pictures about the nature of power.
It is only an illusion I do not have what I want.
Joy is an inner note I sound.
Life need not be hard.
Life purpose is whatever path I decide, for all is free will.
Love transcends the self.
Loving people is a commitment to holding a high vision of them.
Loving myself means accepting myself as I am right now.
Loving myself means stepping outside of guilt.
One act of love cancels thousands of lower acts.
Only those who feel good about themselves can express humility.
People offer me the opportunity to know my higher self through their love.
Spiritual growth means increasing my awareness of beauty, opening my heart, and experiencing more love and compassion.
I stop being affected by the world and affect it with my peace.
The greatest gift I give others is opening to their love for me.
The images I send out about myself is how other people see me.
The only limits to freedom are those I place upon myself.
There is a new I every day.
To be aware of my higher good, I enlarge my view of my life.
To create more freedom, I look at those areas where I have already created freedom.
To feel secure I need to feel I am enlarging and expanding my world.
To have freedom, I am willing to give freedom.
I value myself and monitor where I put my time.
What I love is what I am here to do.
Will is the ability to direct my energy where I want.
I can choose to think in a higher way more often.
I can release the past by loving it.
I create balance by visualizing balance.
I learn and grow from everything I create.
I live in a limitless world, I can expand beyond anything I know.
I may have been afraid to use my power because of mistaken and negative images of power.
I will have joy only when I settle for nothing less.
My attitude determines how I experience the world.
My beliefs about reality create my experience of it.
My higher self looks over and observes my other parts.
My higher self will guide me in the right direction.
The spiritual path can be one of immense play and deep inner joy.
My higher self loves me unconditionally.
There is no limit to the growth and expansion that is possible for me.
Spiritual growth is the process of becoming my higher self.
The power of light is growing stronger every day.
I stop for a moment and call light to myself.
Sending light can create harmony in my relationships.
Light is a powerful source of healing. If there is any place of discomfort in my body, I send it light.
The light I send to others will come back to me multiplied.
The Universal Mind is perfection. It perfectly creates what I think about.
I can create miracles by doing "energy work".
The more expansive my thoughts, the more expansive the reality I create.
I believe in my success. I picture myself having what I want.
The Universal Mind can create FOR ME only what It can create THROUGH me.
There is a higher purpose to my life, a special contribution I came to make.
I can know the Higher Will by listening within.
Messages from my Higher Self are loving and gentle.
I am a co-creator with the Higher Will.
Things happen easily when I flow with the Higher Will.
Spiritual growth comes as a series of revelations.
As I grow spiritually, I will understand my life purpose.
I am learning to trust the insights I receive.
It is important to use my insights to make my life work in better ways.
There is a spiritual community of many high beings who work together on the inner planes.
I can work in the inner planes by becoming inner-directed rather than outer-directed.
I can sense energy in crystals and other life-forms such as plants and animals.
I can send and receive telepathic messages through the inner planes.
My clairvoyant abilities will increase as I become my Higher Self.
Love is the doorway to enlightenment.
Love creates healing.
I strengthen people as I surround them with my loving thoughts.
All negativity is a cry for more love.
I attract things and people of a similar vibration.
My higher vibration lifts the energy around me.
I love people for who they are, not for who I want them to be.
I can choose peace no matter how others are acting.
All negative emotions show me where I am not aligned with the vision of my Higher Self.
I learn to receive all the good things my Higher Self has to give me.
I say to myself, "I now allow more good things into my life".
Everything happens for my higher good; the universe works in perfect ways.
I allow people to give to me.
I allow people to be any way they want to be.
I CAN become enlightened in this lifetime.
I can grow with joy rather than struggle.
I can grow instantaneously.
Making my everyday life work is an important part of spiritual growth.
Each shift to a higher consciousness makes the next shift easier.
My spiritual growth is the greatest contribution I can make to myself.
I can live in the probable reality where there is a clean environment and humanity is at peace.
I can create any reality I want; there are no limits to what I can have.
I can change my reality by rewriting the past. (if I want to be more creative, loved etc., I imagine a past where I were)
What I accept as true will create my reality.
The void is a state of transition and change.
Not-knowing can be the doorway to true knowing.
The void gives me many choices and new possibilities.
Living in the void can be stimulating, challenging, and expansive.
I do only those things that create my higher purpose and thus have more time.
I follow my inner guidance to get things done easily and joyfully.
I can change time by being fully present and focused on what I am doing.
I can bring things into my life rapidly by imagining that I already have them.
I am ahead of my time.
Humanity is in the process of making an evolutionary leap.
All teaching is learning. All empowerment of others is self-empowerment.
Empowering people means assisting them in making positive changes in their lives.
It is important to know when to assist people and when not to.
I can talk directly to people's Higher Selves.
One person CAN make an enormous difference.
I let go of my judgments to see beyond illusions.
Illusions come from accepting others' thoughts and beliefs without questioning their value to me.
Integrity is living the truth I know.
All Higher Self communication begins in the heart.
My words create what I speak about. I am learning to speak positively.
As I grow spiritually, my words gain more power to affect people.
Before I speak, I ask myself how what I plan to say will contribute to people's lives.
I can have what I want. I express myself with precision.
I trust that the universe is working FOR ME and WITH me.
My will is much wiser than I think.
I receive energy from other people's hearts and not their centers of will.
I offer assistance to others only when they ask for it.
The path is easy for those who have no preferences.
Non-attachment is serving people's Higher Selves rather than their personality selves.
I am not responsible for making other people's lives work; they are.
As I give freedom to others I become freer myself.
To become transparent, I make no judgments about others' behaviour.
Sending love transforms the energy around me.
I learn to recognize when I have taken on other people's energies.
I have the ability to feel the way I want at all times.
I don't need to change myself; I only need to love myself.
I am the source of my abundance.
I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.
My thoughts are loving and positive.
My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.
I love and trust my imagination.
I am an unlimited being. I can create anything I want.
I picture abundance for myself and others.
My dreams come true.
I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.
I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness.
I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness, and self-love.
Everything I do brings me aliveness and growth.
The process of getting there is the quality of being there.
I know the essence of what I want and I get it.
Everything I create fulfills me.
The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.
My energy is focused and directed toward my goals.
I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity, and abundance.
I create what I want with energy. Good things come to me easily.
I trust and follow my inner guidance.
I spend quiet reflective time; I hear my inner guidance.
I am always in the right place at the right time.
I follow my highest joy.
I honour myself in everything I do.
I always choose the path of most light.
I honour my integrity in all that I do.
I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful.
I congratulate myself often.
I forgive myself, knowing that I did the best I knew how at the time.
I give myself permission to have what I want.
I love getting there as much as being there.
My beliefs create my reality. I believe in my unlimited prosperity.
I choose beliefs that bring me aliveness and growth.
My beliefs create good things for me.
I deserve abundance.
Money flows in my life. I am prosperous.
My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.
I always have more money coming in than going out.
I allow myself to have more than I ever dreamed possible.
The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good.
My debts represent my and others' belief in my future earning ability.
My value and worth are increased by everything I do.
All my experiences are opportunities to gain more power, clarity, and vision.
I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love. ("the feeling of fear is passing through me and I now easily let it go.")
I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others.
I live in an abundant world. All is perfect in my universe.
The universe is safe, abundant, and friendly.
I expect only the best to happen and it does.
I trust my ever-increasing ability to create abundance.
I accept prosperity and abundance into my life.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
I surrender to my higher good.
I demonstrate love with action every day.
I am linked with the unlimited abundance of the universe.
As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
I have a unique, special contribution to make.
Everything I do adds beauty, harmony, order, and light to the universe.
I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.
I do what I love and money is coming.
I honour and use my special skills and abilities.
I find my life's work by looking within rather than without.
I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.
I now have my ideal life.
I know what I love to do and I do it.
I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.
All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.
I am a valuable person. My path is important.
I value my time and energy.
My path and life's work are my highest priorities.
I accept and love myself for who I am right now.
I honour and value my creativity and ideas.
I am a special, unique person.
My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
I give myself permission to be all I can be.
I commit to my path. I choose aliveness and growth.
I follow my heart.
I can have what I want.
I invite and allow good to come into my life.
I flow with the current. I know that everything happens for my higher good.
I am alert to my opportunities and I use them well.
I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release me.
I love and honour everything I create.
I let go easily, trusting that nothing leaves my life unless something better is coming.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.
I create what I want easily and effortlessly.
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.
I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.
I know my value. I honour my worth.
People value and honour my work.
I always give my best.
All the money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied.
All the money I spend and earn brings me joy.
I surround myself with things that reflect my aliveness and energy.
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.
I appreciate myself. I give thanks for my wonderful life.
I am open to receive.
Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I give I receive.
Every gift I give serves and empowers other people.
Everything I give others honours and acknowledges their worth.
I give generously to myself.
I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and do.
The greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working.
I experience clarity and harmony in all my energy exchanges.
I feel good about all the money I spend.
I am always being guided to the higher solution.
I listen to the wisdom of my heart.
I always look for ways to make the other person a winner; as I help others win, I win as well.
I have abundance in every area of my life.
My prosperity prospers others.
Everyone's success contributes to my success.
I send others thoughts of their increased prosperity.
My money is a source of good for myself and others.
My savings act as a magnet to draw more money.
I am financially independent and free.
All my money is energy awaiting my command to create good in my life.
All my money is working for me to increase my abundance, joy, and aliveness.
I choose to live an abundant life.
I get what I want.
If I succeed in getting what I want, others will see me as a positive role model to emulate.
Money is always circulating in my life. I release it freely and easily and it comes back to me multiplied.
I am unconditionally loved, and I in turn, unconditionally love all - all people, all animals, all plants and all minerals - all things in God's kingdom.
God is all things.
I Follow The Only Path There Is - The Path Of Love!
I AM Divinely Created.
I AM Divinely Connected To, And One With "The DIVINE!"
Everything Is In Divine Order Because I AM Following My Soul's Melody!
I watch what I say.
I notice what I hear today.
I am aware of what I see.
I do not know the real meaning of what I see.
I am willing to see the light.
I am vigilant for the light.
I am very prosperous.
Everyone wishes to contribute to me.
I deserve prosperity.
I give as I receive.
I release all fear.
I open my mind to peace.
I recognize my own best interest.
I am patient.
I pause before I react.
I am open to receive miracles.
I choose only peace.
I am a loving and lovable child of god.
Only love exists; fear is an illusion.
God loves me unconditionally.
God loves me more than I love myself.
I trust God.
God is great, and so am I.
I already know that I am an extension of God. His quality and essence are within me. They are inherent and are my natural state. Because I am a child of God, I have the potential to be just like Him. God is great, and so am I.
Whenever I need to bring love into my perception about someone, I close my eyes and repeat (several times), "God is great, and so are you." God is great, and so am I.
Acknowledge how wonderful you are. Know that you are magnificent and you are growing toward the light. Know that many people are growing with you.
We can prevent our old patterns of limitation from sabotaging our vision by invoking the Violet Transmuting Flame and simply asking our God Self to transmute all of our thoughts, words, actions and feelings from all time frames and dimensions, both known and unknown, that will, in any way, prevent or interfere with the manifestation of our vision.
I Am Choosing The Light! I remember who I Am, and I love and respect myself as a Beloved Child of God.
I Am perpetually enveloped in the invincible protection of God's glorious light as I walk through my Earthly sojourn.
I Am limitless physical perfection. I Am vibrantly healthy, eternally youthful and radiantly beautiful. I Am manifesting wonderful, loving relationships in my life.
I Am prosperous, and I Am open and receptive to God's limitless flow of Abundance.
I Am financially and creatively rewarded in my job.
I Am an exponent and example of Divine Family Life, including my place in the Family of Humanity.
I Am reaching my highest Divine Potential as a daughter; woman; friend; relative; coworker; human being; Earth steward; Lightworker; teacher; wayshower and creator of Heaven on Earth.
I Am an open door for Divine Truth, Wisdom, Enlightenment and Illumination.
I Am a living example of love, trust, integrity, honesty, tolerance, acceptance and Reverence for ALL Life.
I Am able to listen, understand and communicate openly and honestly with everyone I come in contact with.
I Am effortlessly Ascending into the Divine Heart and Mind of God with every Holy Breath I take. I Am tapping into the Divine Guidance that will assist me in fulfilling my Divine Plan and my purpose and reason for being. I Am an Instrument of God.
I Am the physical manifestation of the Sacred Flames of Transfiguring Divine Love, Healing Through the Power of Limitless Transmutation, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Liberty, Victory, Justice, Understanding, Clarity, Purity, Hope, Divine Will, Authority, Power and Order, Harmony, Balance, Enthusiasm, Purpose, Joy, Transformation, Eternal Peace, Ministering Grace and every other Divine Attribute of God.
From moment to moment, I Am open to the Divine Guidance of my God Self and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. I easily communicate with these Beings of Light through open heart and mind telepathic communication. I Am One with ALL Life, and I communicate openly with the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms as well.
I Am daily and hourly fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my Divine Plan and the Divine Plan for Beloved Mother Earth. I Am expanding the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven On Earth with my every thought, word, action and feeling.
I Am that I Am. And so it is.
Sealing Affirmation:
I now invoke the full gathered momentum of the Violet Transmuting Flame to transmute every thought, word, action or feeling I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way, shape or form interfere with, or prevent, my vision from manifesting tangibly in the world of form.
I Am the Immaculate Concept of my vision NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace. (Repeat three times)
I accept that this vision and invocation are Victoriously accomplished.
I am All and serve all with love.
I choose my life.
My soul is my true self.
I am on purpose.
I create my reality.
I NOW accept abundance into my life, it is my right.
I am Wealthy, I am grateful that I am always provided for.
I have an abundance of Wealth flowing to me right now.
I am truly grateful for my abundant, joyful, plentiful life.
I am Wealthy in every sense.
My life is full of abundance, that I accept gracefully and share willingly.
I know and accept the universal law that sharing my abundance with others draws more abundance to me.
I AM happy and joyful about others' abundance and good fortune, as we are all One.
I am Prosperous, I am successful, I am joyful and create my own abundance.
I choose to believe that I am worthy of love and all good things.
I live my life to the fullest and I love my life and am doing what I want.
I listen to my inner truth and follow that guidance.
I love and respect my ability and my purpose, I AM achieving my set goals.
I SEE more clearly now, have more clarity and direction.
I Express myself truthfully, everyone understands me.
I can fulfill my dreams now, I am worthy to fulfill my dreams.
I am a wonderful, loveable person and I am confident and believe in myself.
I am worthy, I deserve respect,I am an inspiration to others, I am successful.
I live my life honestly,lovingly and creativly and I love and accept my OWN power.
The universe provides everything I need right now and I want for nothing.
I am successful, I am happy, life is wonderful and I am a magnet for divine gifts from spirit.
I receive loving guidance and trust it always and I am grateful for everything in my life.
I am the creator of my own happiness, I now choose to be happy and successful.
I am surrounded by positive, happy people, who are overflowing with joy when in my company.
I am happy and proud of others when they succeed, everyone deserves to be happy.
I make a positive difference to people's lives daily I offer compassion to everyone I meet. I give unto others, and I do so unconditionally.
I allow the endless gift of love to flow through me to others and trust and believe that my gift of unconditional love will be received and accepted by others, at the highest level possible.
The light that I am is a gift from God. The light that I am is inextinguishable and I give and share what I have.
Unconditional Love is the greatest thing I can ever give to anyone. And it is the greatest gift I can ever receive from another. I choose unconditional love.
I am connected to my divinity, and I am whole and perfect now and I choose to begin the process of well-being and good health by loving my, past, present and future selves.
I AM now reclaiming my divine birthright as a shining being of light and as I lighten up, I find I laugh more easily. Laughter is good medicine for me.
I choose my foods with love and discernment and I love, bless and thank them for nourishing me and delighting my palate. I intend that whatever I consume provides me with positive, healing energy. I am attracted to the wellness of being and I love my body, mind and spirit, unconditionally.
Through the Divine Source of which I AM, the knowledge of how best to heal myself is made clear to me and I AM able to charge the energy around me with my positive vibrations.
I AM responsible for myself, I love and respect all aspects of myself.
I love and respect my ability to make my own decisions and am aware of the messages life is sending me.
I forgive myself and others, release the past and move forward with love in my heart.
I love and approve of myself, am at peace with my own feelings and stand tall and free.
I am strong, capable, loving and lovable and perfect just as I am
I accept Divine guidance, trust the process of life and am always safe, secure and protected by Divine Love.
People DO care about me and I deserve good things in my life. I can trust some people and I can protect myself.
I willingly release every negative thought, every negative feeling, every negative attitude and every negative belief. These have no place in me or in my life. I accept criticism without letting it hurt me or offend me.I look at it objectively and accept only that part of it which is true. We are all human - I do not expect myself to be perfect! I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow.
The powerful affirmations seen below are from the audio CD titled: "Your Word Is Your Manifestation" by Peter Ragnar
I am this instant the rightful recipient of my divine desire!
I am the creator of my world and my words are my tools!
I am creative energy flowing forth expressing manifestation!
My mind owns my body and I own my mind!
I am the desire of ETERNAL youth made manifest in my flesh!
Luminous health and glorious goodness love me!
Money, like a puppy, follows me wherever I go!
WONDERFUL things always happen to me; therefore, I always expect WONDERFUL things to happen!
Consciousness seeks its PERFECT expression through me!
I am the pulsation of creation in the manifestation of an IMMORTAL body with a PERFECT mind!
I am the PERFECT expression of gratitude!
I am the PERFECT expression of forgiveness!
I am the PERFECT expression of love!
I am ETERNAL health, ETERNAL life, and ETERNAL wisdom!
I am INVINCIBLE in my powers of creation!
I am the manifestation of my own idea!
My mind power, willpower, and imagination serve to create my OPULENT reality!
četrtek, 14. januar 2010
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