Working With The Dark Side Of The Self
These exercises can be used over and over as you work your way through different fears. They will also reveal your progress.
These exercises can be used over and over as you work your way through different fears. They will also reveal your progress.
A. First, imagine yourself full of the brightest light you can imagine. Breathe deeply. Ask your Higher Self and the divine child within to help you. Ask for information to identify your shadow side. The information may come piecemeal. It might take a week to get a fairly complete picture of what you can face at this time. Keep re-establishing your connection with the light. It is light penetrating darkness which brings perspective on that which has been hidden from consciousness. It is also willingness to walk into the dark -- metaphorically speaking.
You may find it helpful to frame the question in many different ways.
What have I avoided?
What have I feared?
What has showed up in dreams?
What seems to be chasing me?
What has showed up in dreams?
What seems to be chasing me?
What seems to be missing in my life? (There is always a reason.)
The following series of questions have been found very helpful. You have permission to copy this page and use these questions over and over. The answers will vary with the situation.
- What I fear most in my life right now is _______.
- My repetitive thoughts and feelings about this are ________.
- What I do when I'm afraid is _____.
- What happens in my body is _____.
- I have used this fear in my life to avoid _____ and to justify (doing/thinking/feeling) _____.
- If I were to try and make what I most fear happen on purpose, I would _____ . List ten things and note how many of them you are actually doing.
- If I were free of my fear, I would be (doing) _____ in my life right now. Give yourself plenty of time to answer.
B. Write your story in four ways. This is well worth the time and effort and can be extremely effective in helping you to shift out of the initial viewpoint into one that is more empowering and compassionate, both towards yourself and anyone else involved. Here are the four versions of your story:
- As your sad tale--the victim version.
- As seen from some other person's point of view who was there.
- As seen by your Higher Self.
- As an empowering experience for you. In this last one, imagine that the experiences of your fears have led you in exactly the right direction and strengthened you in just the perfect ways and in perfect timing so you can achieve your soul's mission effectively on earth in this lifetime.
C. What I most want to have happen in this situation is
Envision it with as much detail, color, light and emotional energy as you can. Rehearse and empower it. Remember, though, that you do not have the right to create a vision for any other specific being. Put no names or faces into your vision. Work with essence--the kind of relationships and feelings you want to be feeling instead of attempting to achieve specific relationships with people you know.
Envision it with as much detail, color, light and emotional energy as you can. Rehearse and empower it. Remember, though, that you do not have the right to create a vision for any other specific being. Put no names or faces into your vision. Work with essence--the kind of relationships and feelings you want to be feeling instead of attempting to achieve specific relationships with people you know.
D. Create the affirmations which will support your vision and correct your fears.
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